Hi everyone!!!!


New Member
I'm a college student in NJ. I work as a mechanic in the summer. I own a 67 mustang which i'm always working on and a 93 thunderbird. I don't bring my cars to school and have wanted a motorcycle since i was little but don't want a vehicle to leave on the streets at school. SO i was looking at building a motorized bike. I want to use an 80cc engine and a Schwinn Stingray Spoiler for the bike. Has anyone done this here?? If so how was the conversion? Nice to have you all here and I am glad to be apart of this group.

I have not done the stingray but I hear it is more difficult because of the rear wheel line up but they make a special kit for it I think. by the way welcome you will enjoy it here i think
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welcome to the forum. and yes they have an adapter kit for puttin a bicycle motor on a stingray or you can buy the engine kit that is made for the stingray. glad to have you with us
There are no 80cc engines.....they are all 67.5 no matter what the seller claims.

But I digress, WELCOME!
does anyone know where the kit for the stingray is offered? and yeah i've seen the "80cc" engines are usually measured within the 60s. actually while i'm here... besides wanting to know what kit is offered for the stingray and where... what would be the best engine kit/setup for the stingray spoiler that would give me the most power... ie off the line and good over all top end too. I plan on driving this around school so city area but also on an open long road thats a 45 speed limit, and back by my house on the country roads... any input i would appreciate it

You can pick the kits up on e-bay, but I do not know how good they are or who to get one from. It will probably not go 45, but if you get yours up that fast I would not drive in traffic that fast unless you don't mind getting ran over by a car or getting a ticket. These little bikes are kind of a hassle to put together, but they are twice as much fun as you would think.