Hey Norman it's stormin'


minor bike philosopher
Since it's storming here today, I guess I will work on the junker bike I just bought. That is if I don't decide to just sit here playing on the computer all day.

I think I'll write a short story instead. I'll post a link when I finish it by 3pm. I love a good challenge.
copy and paste it please. For some reason the hot link wont work. I copied it and pasted just to make sure and that seems to work... Let me know.

After I finished that I removed all the 21speed junk from the bike and turned it into a single speed. Not sure the gear ration but it's the way it worked best. I shortened the chain and adjusted the wheel and it works.

I pumped up all the tires and installed the front tire

I switched the seat to one for a wide rider (me)

Switched the wheel for the 24 inch on the china bike.

Set the speedometer pickup back to the new wheel.

took a good look at the little engine and decided I might want to put it onto the front wheel of the 31cc bike. that would give me something like fifty ccs. Not sure it would help but I don't see how it could hoit.

So for a rainy day I got a lot done.
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Anybody ever seen a fat Texan float? Their everywhere down here right now.
Hello Dolly! Laptops rock! No power but lots of wind & rain. Hey Deacon Must be that kind of day, It's rainin' sideways here :)
not that much rain here just now and then and enough to make riding iffy. Rather stay dry than take a chance here. Hope you do okay in the wind and rain.
My kids lived in Corpus for a couple of years. The first 2 months they were there they had to evacute twice. I'm glad they aren't down there now. I won't worry so much now.