Helping Dogs

Beautiful Dog Elmo, I volunteer for a local non-profit animal shelter (I wont post the site because they ask for donations) and help find homes for Terriers.

I volunteer as a foster home, and I am a Foster home inspector.

That's fine work you're doing. More power to ya!
PS. My dogs are half Terrier ... and all heart!
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Thanks for the reply Mike, looks like you have two fine pals there. I have always had bulldogs until my last one was killed in a tornado 2 years ago. Took that long to get another one. I have never had one of mine to bite anyone.
I had a half bull dog when my daughter was small. He never bit anyone but he did tree the cable guy once...

I live in a changing neighborhood, but I have never had a break in. I do not discourage my two mixed breed dogs from attacking the door when a stranger comes around. I keep them under control but I don't mind a little door shaking.

A barking dog and a 12 gauge trench gun make a heck of an deterrence. They also give the owner a great deal of peace of mind, not to mention lower your blood pressure and keep you warm on a cold night.
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Fair are they jack russel.One of the over the road drivers has one that was rescued in penn.9 year ago.The dog has over a million miles.He is getting old and when he passes i am going to get him another one.

I edit out my always turns into a flame war.

Lets just say I specialize in a certain Bully Breed.........
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Fair you are so right. I read your post before you edited and agree all the way. May you have much success in your endeavors.
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I had a half bull dog when my daughter was small. He never bit anyone but he did tree the cable guy once...

I live in a changing neighborhood, but I have never had a break in. I do not discourage my two mixed breed dogs from attacking the door when a stranger comes around. I keep them under control but I don't mind a little door shaking.

A barking dog and a 12 gauge trench gun make a heck of an deterrence. They also give the owner a great deal of peace of mind, not to mention lower your blood pressure and keep you warm on a cold night.

Deacon I do not have a trench gun but does a Winchester Model 12 in 12 gauge count?
chop a couple of inches off the barrel and you will have. Try to catch them on the stairs it's so much easier to clean up Im told.
I worked a murder case once where a wife wraped her better half in sheets and put him in a trash bag before she shot him.She told us that the sight of blood made her sick.

Mr. Bojangles is really a girl! I... Lke.... Dogggggs!!

actually, a 12 guage trench gun is a great deterrent TO a barking dog!

Good boy!
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then you do have a trench gun.... Doc, I worked a suicide by shotgun in the mouth once.. You can imagine what it was like I'm sure. I knew it was suicide because he had one shoe and sock off....
sorry if i get back on topic . nice links ( i added them to my favorites )

how easy is that , awsome idea , kitty and cleo like the idea too .


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Way to go Diceman! Kitty and Cleo take a great picture. I hope others will post there pet pics too. I know we've done it before but I never get tired of seeing happy critter pics!