help. YD-100 runs for a minute, then bogs out and makes a puff noise.


New Member
Aug 31, 2023
Hey guys I've had my YD-100 for about 2 months now and its always been a pain to start but I've recently noticed that its become a lot harder to start.
When I pedal and drop the clutch, I can hear the engine turning over but no power. I get a bit of backfire and then a loud puff noise which always stalls out the bike unless im still pedaling which causes a lot of jerking.
Today I finally got the bike running for a bit after pedaling up and down my street about 7 times and it was running great and had a crazy amount of power for about 3 minutes and then it started bogging and I got almost no power. 2 seconds later I hear the Puff noise again followed with the 'brrrrrrr' noise of the engine turning over without combusting. Now it wont start up properly even though its warm, yet it still backfires so I know the electronics aren't completely dead.
You can hear the 'brrrrrrrr' followed with the puff/pop noise in my video below.

Apparently when I get the puff noise a little cloud of smoke/mist comes out my air intake.
Thanks, Ethan
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