Help runs for a few minutes and won't start back up again

so here is everything taken apart my piston rings are really loose could it be that ? am order a new motor but still wana fix this 1 so should i order a new piston with rings i see em on ebay for $10 with clips n all
can't really tell much from the pics - if you squeeze rings around piston with your fingers, do the ends come close to meeting at the locating pins?

or if you take rings off piston and put them in cylinder, do ends come very close to meeting?
can't really tell much from the pics - if you squeeze rings around piston with your fingers, do the ends come close to meeting at the locating pins?

or if you take rings off piston and put them in cylinder, do ends come very close to meeting?
when i squeeze them they almost touch n i put 1 of the rings in the cylinder it stays open by a few mm sorry if the pics aren't so clear my phone sucks

also i noticed the back wheel moves a bit when am not even pressing the clutch in so i guess its slipping like u said so i just tighten the flower nut for it to get tighter ?
yeah, rings don't look that bad, the pic that looks tightest is the one I'd put on top - I'd do something with clutch first

there are many threads here about adjusting cable & clutch - do all the steps
yeah, rings don't look that bad, the pic that looks tightest is the one I'd put on top - I'd do something with clutch first

there are many threads here about adjusting cable & clutch - do all the steps

i tighten the flower nut today in the morning and took it out to test n same thing sounds like its running n once i stop pedaling it just dies n i heard a clicking sound am guessing i tighten the flower nut to much
could it be a loose woodruff key i been reading about ? b4 all the problems starting up i crashed into a open car door was driving on a bike lane a uber double parked and the passenger opened the door i hit my breaks but it didn't stop banged right into the open door
yes, plenty of pad there - they are spread out a bit as the red pads often are, so I like to use a box cutter to trim the edges down a bit to be sure they are going all the way thru the slots to make good contact with both the front & back plate - this is not usually a problem tho

leave cover off and adjust clutch, then push bike forward to see if the clutch will turn the motor - if it doesn't turn motor, then where turning stops is where problem is
yes, plenty of pad there - they are spread out a bit as the red pads often are, so I like to use a box cutter to trim the edges down a bit to be sure they are going all the way thru the slots to make good contact with both the front & back plate - this is not usually a problem tho

leave cover off and adjust clutch, then push bike forward to see if the clutch will turn the motor - if it doesn't turn motor, then where turning stops is where problem is
am assuming you mean roll the bike foward with the clutch level locked in place or don't press on the level ?
do not hold the clutch lever, you want to see how well it grabs (you might want to sit on bike so back tire don't skid instead of turning)
do not hold the clutch lever, you want to see how well it grabs (you might want to sit on bike so back tire don't skid instead of turning)

i tried that n checked some videos how it shouldn't move the back tire so i put it like that now n still no go and my new motor doesn't even start gonna have to send it back for a refund am so frustrated
i ordered a pull starter it should get here later today hopefully would that be able to start my motor even if i can't pedal start it ?
few bikes have room for a pull starter without changing pedal cranks - also, most pull starters break very quickly and do not make a motor easier to start

you are probably dealing with something simple that you just aren't seeing - can you find anyone in your area to look at it for you?
few bikes have room for a pull starter without changing pedal cranks - also, most pull starters break very quickly and do not make a motor easier to start

you are probably dealing with something simple that you just aren't seeing - can you find anyone in your area to look at it for you?

i just got my new wider pedal crank today still waiting on the pull starter,i wouldn't know where to look for someone to check it out am in nyc i tried a local car mechanic and he didn't know