Help respond asap


New Member
I want my Predator 212 pusher trailer to go 65mph or at least 55mph if that’s not possible.

With the governor still on, I got 30mph with a torque converter. The tire size is 20” diameter.
Gearing is 10t input to 25t rear sprocket. Will a 10t to 44t make it faster. I think I have really steep gearing. What gearing do I need for those speeds. I plan on bypassing the governor soon, but I think I should be able to get 45mph with the governor still on. What gearing should I use.


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I what absolutely no involvement in your death!
Your setup is a VERY good way to die! A rear mount over the rear wheel can make that kind of speed more safely.

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What makes you think it’s a death trap???
The bike trailer works ok. It’s not as nice as a rear mount, but it works well in the tests. Many other people have built pusher trailers. Hundreds of them exist, go on google images. Mine is no different. And it has the yellow guiding wheels so it can’t flip.
Each to their own I suppose, but just the thought of jack-knifing that rig at any speed - never mind at 65mph - would scare me ----less. Your pic showing your ride stationary is enough to do that.
Be interesting to see how many 'asap responses' you get before anyone says 'good idea'
Hello Mr. Bike4life, in all seriousness, I don't pretend to be an expert in all things motorized bikes- and even less in 'trailer pushers'. I believe the issue most people would be concerned about is the speed you are desiring. Others can correct me on this, but I'm thinking about 40mph starts to push what a bicycle should do with any degree of safety. 55mph or more should be left to carefully modified, braced, upgraded bikes.
What you seem to have is a Very heavy mass shoving you and your bike where it choses- no amount of steering or leaning will be enough to overcome that. I think we have all seen the cops give a fleeing car a gentle nudge on the back corner- Right? and the car spins out of control? That would be you.
Other than that- its a great idea!
Greg is right, bigger slower.

There is no regular bike that can take 65 mph. without rebuilding, tires, wheels, frame gussets. Let along getting good brake front and rear, you are talking motor cycle speeds......Curt