

New Member
Hi all; I am an avid triker. I got hooked years ago when my wife got one. I put a sears 2cycle friction drive on the front and she loved it. I tried it and found it a ball to ride that one she latterly wore out. Three years ago we bought two Trailmate Desotos, and I have been trying electric motors. I find friction is really best for dry days and the wilderness hub motor started binding up after a year, so I want to put a Honda GX35 or 50 chain drive kit on the rear axel. If anyone has done this I would like to hear from you and any pointers you might have.
welcome aboard the ecco friendly super addiction highway. after reading tons of info here i have had some trike ideas .

With the trikes you have you could do a small amout of fabrication and mount a chinese 2 stroke in frame kit with a SBP shifter kit to utilize your gears and solve the sprocket issue in the rear of the trike. That would give you the low end to climb hills and the high end to cruise along. i have seen some kits as low as $130.00 seeing as your doing 2 the SBP kit would be a necessity.

Just my recent thoughts on trikes i am going to build one come summer.

Good luck in whatever you choose

Sick Bike Parts Products
Howdy and welcome to the fun!!

Sorry, ain't much help on the trike thing but would sure love to have one someday.
