hello were shop dogs.

good day ladys and gents
I'm The prussian , the puppy (@40) of a group of builders,bikers,hot roders in ne il(north of chicago)
over the last few years while working on a "c" coupe tee buckett at "mad dog johnie"s the guys
started talkin about an old punch moped "twitchy marty" was trying to rebuild, well when it was fixed
and we saw the s#!teating grin on twitchs face and we all wanted in. so far mad dog has built a silver halk ? from a guy in canada that he put on a kmart schwinn. he had two guys buy the same kit and both have gone togther well as far as ive herd . I couldn't just sit there so I am building the kit from piston bikes the grubee 80 . on a cheap huffy . so far the only tech thing has been aligenment of the rear sprocket as to allow for chain clearnce . as each frame and rear hub has been different on each bike sofar, we've had a few chanches to get it right. mdj had some leather from a lathe drive belt that is aprox 1/4 inch thick. and by cuting out sevral little "pucks" and adding that layer into the sprokett adapter , things worked out ?
for a bunch of guys who work with metal , were having a hard time beliving the leather will last very long as it gets wet and moves around so... any body else have this issue. or if you all have any advise for newbiees please elaborate. thanx
hey they used to use leather as drive belst on saw mills and the such, have even heard of old timers using leather to replace main bearings in older engines, how long do your boots last? see frank
Hi, I found that the wheel can shift to the left when the bolts are made tight holding the sprocket to the spokes. This can sometimes bring the chain too close to the tire. I check the dish of the wheel and correct the shift to the left by adjusting the spokes. cvlt1

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well we learned a few things on this build, the leather pucks worked ok . we found that super glue works great on leather and that it's better to punch holes then to drill them. the tearing from the drill bit may have been the cause of the earlier faluire. then when glued together on the bench they installed with no problem.
MJD made a cool little alignment tool that solved the problem of the sprocket being out so far and i found an old hardy for fence part fab that made great gas tank mounting brackets.
next up is lights and signals then bob the fenders and fab some better struts
got a "taking too" by the local pd and found out that i need title and reg? but hey no ticket.
any body else in IL. got a title on a home built?
thanx motorbiker the rimm was out of true and only took a few min to fix , what guage spokes are you guys runing anyway?