Hello, I'm new and already having some problems but still having fun.


New Member
Hello, I have a brand new 80cc motorized bike. I only had her running for 5 days and I'm already having problems (some of which i created).

First one being that my bike was stalling out and i have to keep the engine well revved up so it can stay alive. At one point I just couldn't get it to start and i took off the cylinder head and I looked at it and saw a massive crack in the cylinder head. keep in mind I probably only have about 10-15 miles on this bike and I used a 16:1 oil/gas mix. I'm assuming that its just a defective head. I plan on ordering a new performance head even though the engine isn't all the way broken in yet.

Second problem (and this is definitely my fault) is that the rear wheel is now wobbly. I took out EVERYTHING in the wheel hub just to get the sprocket on because the rear break arm was in the way and I had to remove that. When I put everything back together I may or may not have over tighten the bearings and they may or may not have started eating each other.

Other than those 2 problems i had everything else seems to be working out great and I love the hobby. I knew going into this hobby that it wasn't gonna be the easiest hobby in the world and I knew that these bikes NEED HIGH MAINTENANCE. Hopefully I can get everything working and running in the next few weeks (still waiting to get paid to order the parts) and to get right back to riding.
Welcome to the forum, the crack in the head probably was a defect. You can get a stock head fairly cheap, sometimes $10 or so. The rear wheel can be tricky, you’ll need to learn how to fine tune it because adding a engine requires more maintenance.
I got a new stock head that amazon sent for free and it also cracked just 5 minutes into riding. I just replaced the whole engine that amazon sent me and put a aftermarket performance head on it and everything is working great and aftermarket head is keeping everything cool.