Hello from WI


New Member
Hello all,

As you can tell by my screen name, big 2-stroke fan here!

I actually built my first bike using the Chinese 2-stroke about 5 years ago. I grew up around 2-stroke Saabs, developing an early love for the sounds and "clouds of love" produced by these motors. When I got older, I wanted a complete fleet of two strokes, owning a Saab, and several bikes from Yamaha's RD line. When I found out about these things (and the low cost) I jumped right in.

These days, I'm up to 2 bikes. Both were built to look like eary motorcycles, per the fine tradition of my hometown (Milwaukee). I've rode them to many a bike rally in this area, and have always had a very warm reception.

I've logged about 700 miles on my bikes, have fun into many of the ups/downs they have to offer. Had lots of fun and lot of frustration. Hopefully I can put my knowledge of two-strokes to sone good use here.

Have fun and ride safe!
Hey Ring Ding,
We're almost neighbors. I'm from next door in northeastern Minnesota. Welcome to the forum.