Hello from Utah



New Member
Aug 30, 2014
Saint George, Utah
Hi! I'm in southwest Utah, enjoying the weather: much warmer than what I grew up with in Montana!

Back when I was a kid, I rode all the time unless there was snow on the ground, and I'd even try to ride then. In the couple of years (like 30!) since, I haven't ridden hardly at all. So now I live where one can ride about year-round. I have a vintage Specialized HardRock I love and have just about finished rebuilding to stock specs.

I picked up a nice big ol aluminum beach cruiser with 29" wheels. its a great ride but its geared wrong...once I get it rolling, i can pass cars, but it stinks to ride unless its downhill!

So yeah, this is a MOTORIZED forum...thats why I stopped by: to learn about sticking an engine on something and making a nice little scoot for tooling around town, to the store, work or just to get out of the house! I've read a lot of nonsense online, there's a local guy who builds and sells these things, but I want to do it myself; always done my own work and it sounds like a blast...I just need to learn whats out there, what works and what doesn't and so forth before I get into buying parts.

We can to up to a 49cc without an endorsement here, but I'm licensed anyway due to a '82 Honda VT750 Shadow...and I'm a big guy and I don't think a little engine is going to really do the job well on our hills.

So...yup, I'm a noob, here to learn! thanks!


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2008
Welcome to the forum. A lot of current motorcycle riders on this site. You will find that motorized bicycles are easier to tinker with and customize (and it costs a lot less than customizing a motorcycle).
I am a fan of the smaller Shadows (600 and 750cc). The 600cc is unfortunately, no longer produced.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Welcome Gryphon.
If you're interested in building a motorized bicycle you've found the right place to get all the help and advice you'll need to complete a successful build.
Prior motorcycle experience will be a help but there are oddities about motorized bikes that you might need some assistance with.
We're always here to help and our search feature will provide you with answers to most any question you might have.

Good luck, have fun and ride safe.



New Member
Mar 28, 2013
Welcome to th forum. Noticed your post today. I am not a frequentv isitor to the forum as there is little interet in morotized bicycles in St. Goerge, that I know of. I have not built a bike.


New Member
Aug 30, 2014
Saint George, Utah
Thank you folks!

Agcat111: I've seen several about town. I spoke with one guy who rides a brown one and he loves it. Someone who works near me commutes on a black one and I've seen a kid over at the rec center on a blue one. There's two or three others I can think of including a deaf kid who just bought an old beater motorized bike.

My biggest concern is our hills here in town and my size (280). Not sure if it would live to commuting, but could surely be a fun little runabout.