hello from the sunshine state


New Member
just want to say hi and to say what a great site this is and post a few pics of a bike i built my son a couple of years ago. after some use i sold to a buddy at the beach who rides it to work every day.



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WOW, now thats a nice bike. Welcome to the forum. Lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. Glad you joined us and thanks for sharing the pictures.......................
thanks it was fun. i built it during the scooter craze for my son just so he would have something different than all the rest of the neighbor hood. the only drawback was the constant upkeep that it needed that he wasn't giving it so i sold it and bought him a new baseball bat.
that sure is a nice looking motorized bicycle. welcome to the forum from the sunshine island :D. glad to have you with us and look forward to hearing about your future builds
thanks criuser, looking back i should have kept the extra motor i sold with it that had never been opened so i could build again sence i do work for a bicycle dist.
Well, what kid wouldn't want to trade their bad ass chopper bike with a bicycle motor for a baseball bat? At least the bat is low maintenance...
welcome it is a great bike you built... I would think you are in a great place for a bike even a weed eater bike... Not so many hills.