Hello From Tampa Bay & My "Orange Coast Chopper" Build



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Tampa Bay, FL
Greetings, Fellow Motorbicycle Afficianados,

I've been a bobbin' and a weavin', lurkin' and a readin' on this forum for a month now before deciding to speak up. I'm about as caught up as I can be....being a greeny noob and all.
I got bit by the motorbicycle bug and nothin' has been the same since.
I've taking a liking to the old school chopper springer lowrider ape hanger look. I've got an "80cc" motor on the way from Zone8, and I picked up two bikes from around town; a Jesse James West Coast Chopper for $25, and an Orange County Stingray Chopper for $20. I like features from both bikes, so I am going to combine them....

Hence, The "Orange Coast Chopper" Build has begun.

I gotta have the OCC front tire, rear tire and cage, but I love the Jesse James frame and fork. So I gotta meld the two together. It's been done. I know. I have burned many a midnight oil researching this site and the other site.There are some absolute beauties out there. Hats off to all you guys for coming together and creating a unique community to share info.

I am definitely going Jackshaft, but I like the extra BMX bottom bracket as a jackshaft setup, with freewheels of course. (Thank You, Zomby Zack) I guess you're wondering why I am doing this, because I only have one gear on my OCC rear wheel....Well, I got a plan for that...... 8 gears at least.....the cheap way.....derailer and cassette style.

where there's a will..... and a welder....

Anyways, here's a couple photos.
Thanks for being here.
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New Member
Jun 12, 2008
Hi and welcome to this great forum.Glad to here of your plans to merge the two together and yes it certainly can be done quite easly,there is one sitting in my shop now.I was also going to use a jackshaft so the motor could be centered in the frame instead of offset to clear the tire,but before I installed the motor I changed directions and decided to convert it into a trike,so it's being rebuilt again.I am installing a differential axle and two stingray tires in the rear.here is what it did look like before I started the trike conversion. Keep us posted on your progress and good luck! Bim



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Tampa Bay, FL

Your Bike has been the wallpaper of my laptop for a week.
That bike is FLIPPIN SWEET! Yes, you have a secret admirer.

You have the look I'm going after as far as the rat rod appeal. I want to meld that look with the original Schwinn Orange Krates, like the one I had as a kid.
So high rise handlebars for the chopper fork and....dare I say it........
A Banana Seat...
There, I said it... =-]'

I want it to look like a giant Orange Krate that grew up and got an attitude.
I'm definitely going jackshaft. I'm going to use an extra bottom bracket ala'
ZZ (thanks Zomby Zack) I had the idea before I found it had been done, so the parts hunt is now easy.

The hardest hurdle I see is getting 8 gears on the rear OCC wheel. A standard thread 8 gear freewheel (1-3/8"x 24tpi ) would spin right on,
buuttt, then I would have to make a custom longer threaded axle and the OCC rear wheel frame cage will have to be widened 2" on one side.

Gonna be alot of cutting, aligning, fitting, & welding, but it will be more bomb proof and 1/5 the cost of a Nuvinci / Sturmey archer set up.
