Hello From South America


New Member
I'm a Canadian and have been living in Manglaralto, Ecuador for the last year and a half. I shipped 2 engine kits down with my belongings and am just now having the time to look for bicycles to put them on. Strange as it may seem it is proving difficult to find basic bikes with coaster brakes. I'll keep looking and I am looking forward to getting into this forum and finding lots of good information and help.
welcome mr bill to our motorized bicycle community, i imagine like you i had enough of the cold. i imagine down thier the roads are as bad as here, you may want to consider motorizing a mountain bike, the frames are made to take the abuse, great to have you with us
Welcome aboard!
We have such a great delivery system here I am unable to comprehend the difficulty folks may have elsewhere... Good luck! rc
Thanks Guys for the welcome.
Paul, The roads that I plan on riding on are quite good. Paved etc., but there are some marginal roads so that may be a thought. It also may be a thought due to the difficulty finding a beach cruiser. Finding a Mountain Bike with a normal style frame might be an issue in itself.
I'm going to check the mountain bike section for ways to fix the clutch, brake situation on the same handlebar.
Rusty, figuring out a work around is sometimes the fun part but can also be frustrating. Most things are available here just sometimes hard to find.
same here bill, at least we have the us postal here to order motorized bicycle parts. like you to find the basic things is next to impossible so have to order online and have shipped
Howdy & welcome!!

"Oh...Noooooo...." Sorry, just had to voice the flashback I just had........:D
Welcome to the forum Bill,

What part of Canada did you move from. I'm in the south western corner of B.C. Two blocks from the ocean and twenty minutes from the border.

My son just told me that he is taking a motorcycle trip to South America and I may meet up with him in Ecuador.

The clutch, brake, throttle is easy to do. The brakes on my bike use a double hand brake lever that pulls them both on at once. That leaves room for the clutch and throttle. I used motorcycle cables since they are heavier and less likely to stretch or break.

Happy riding.

xseler... It's OK I have that flashback all the time.
Fasteddy: We moved from Stony Plain area, just outside Edmonton, AB. Been here 1 1/2 years and love it. Thanks for the info on the brake.
xseler... It's OK I have that flashback all the time.
Fasteddy: We moved from Stony Plain area, just outside Edmonton, AB. Been here 1 1/2 years and love it. Thanks for the info on the brake.

I have a very good friend that lives in Stony Plain......Jim Tuttle!!!

He an Lyn are great people!!
Never managed to run across them while we were there. We lived on an acreage just outside of Stony. Not missing the winter they are having there this year.