Hello from Missouri


New Member
My friend was telling me about some forums. Apparently, he meant here and not the other place. The other place was flat out rude and unhelpful. Anyway, I live in Missouri and working on my second bike. My first one was stolen. My second build, I thought it was going to be piece of cake but it's a totally different beast. Of course, I went with BikeBerry this go around and needless to say I am not pleased with them especially on their warranty and return policy.
welcome to our community of motorized bicycle enthusiasts. have lots of talent here that love to share what they have learned and love to learn from you, that's what this site is all about, making friends and making the most of our motorized bicycles. sorry about your first one being stolen, I had one stolen a few years back and it really sucks. I have since gone with an electric bicycle so I can bring it inside my home and not listen to the wife scream about fumes
welcome to our community of motorized bicycle enthusiasts...bicycle so I can bring it inside my home and not listen to the wife scream about fumes

LOL I understand that. I kept my bike inside, I just set it outside then went to grab my jacket and BAM it was gone. I usually keep a sidearm on my person but it didn't do any good LOL. BTW I never had much of an issue with the smell of gas. Although I kept the bike in my sun room too so that probably made a difference. Anyway, nothing makes me more angry at Chinese products than building a motorized bike. It surely is a love hate relationship. I just hope next build is because I want to not because I have to. I can't beat the price and the economy. I wont own another car. Anyway, thanks for the welcome guys!
Welcome to the forum. I have experienced the trolls on other forums too. They are parasites. I do try to distinguish between trolls and people that are just blunt. The blunt guys don't intend to get you wound up.
Welcome Welcome and Welcome again. I know what ya mean by junk. Bought my first kit and its all junk but the motor for the most part. Did ya get the 2 or 4 stroke kit from bikeberry.



The trail life for me.