Hello From Minnesota

Butch K

New Member
Hi guys. I've been riding motorized bikes for a few years now. I have a 70cc DAX motor and a Honda 4 stroke with a Grubee gearbox and both are mounted on Schwinn Skyliner frames. I'm enjoying the heck out of this hobby.


  • Skyliner 2 stroke.jpg
    Skyliner 2 stroke.jpg
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  • Skyliner 4 stroke.jpg
    Skyliner 4 stroke.jpg
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welcome to the forum! we have lots of other people here that love to talk and share ideas and tips to get the most out of their bicycle motor. glad to have you with us
Welcome to the forum, lots of motorized bicycle enthusiast around here. Nice looking bikes. Thanks for sharing the pics.....................
Hi Butch, welcome to the group. Nice looking bikes you've got there, I'd also be courious which you like better...Kelly:ride2:
Right now I can't really decide which motor I like best. I have no major complaints about either of them. My 2 stroke has been running like a champ since new and is still going strong. I have over 2000 miles on it now and have just recently switched oil from Briggs and Stratton 2 stroke oil to an Amsoil synthetic. Top speed on this bike is 35-40 mph with a 32 tooth sprocket.
I've been experimenting with adding different amounts of oil to the Grubee GB on my Honda 4 stroke. I don't care for the way the clutch grabs so I have added Amsoil 4 stroke oil to the GB. I started out with adding 2 oz. oil and clutch was slipping too much so I'm now using 3/4 oz. and this is better but still a bit too much slippage for my liking. I'll try 1/2 oz. oil next and see how that works. My top speed on this bike is 35 mph with a 44 tooth sprocket.