Hello from Ireland

Well, Billy, I doubt if very many of your local police are members of this forum, so why worry? If they are good for them and they'll definitely pretend to look the other way, all the while admiring your ride.
Why electric over gas? For stealth purposes... the electric are nearly silent, so draw less attention. Especially if you had an electric pusher trailer with the batteries in the little pusher, who's to even know? Sneaky is what it is. I have relatives by the name of McElderry in Ireland. I'm a mixed blood Scots Irish Cherokee. If I were a dog I'd be a mutt. Welcome to all you Irish lads. A great forum it is.
LOL Billy.

My thinking with electric was more the noise or lack of engine sound. The Hub ones look like a regular bicycle wheel unless you look close. The batterys can be incognito. Not that I am suggesting you break the law. In all the reading I did, I did not find any thing that said out right that you could not ride a MB. Just a thought that an e-bike would a lil more under the radar.

Just for illustration hub motor, brushless motor, BLDC motor, bike conversion kit, brushless controller,electric bike,wheelchair controller,electric wheelchair,dual drive ebike, electric motorcycle,EV battery,brushless hub motor ,golf trolley,brushless joystick controller

(Think we were typing at the same time SB)
Howdy Colly. Great to see so many folks from the Emerald Isle. You guys should start a club and race Scottish members.
Hi Dan,

Yeah I'm gonna try and do that. The only thing I need to sort out is how to get them legally on the road as a means of transport.

Do you ride much?

Ya know Colly, with the green thing, opec and the state of the world economy, I think it would be the perfect time any where in the world to try and get a grass roots thing going to try and get legislation to benifit our thing. Just a thought.

I happily live in the most liberal place in America about MBs. Just has to be under 5 HP and have a seat higher then 26 inchs.

I ride a lot. Comute to work on her when I can. Early spring/late winter, my partner and I were developing a drive train for the HF 79cc engine. It was litteraly my job to ride to test and try to blow it up. (R&D=ride and destroy) Could you imagain a funner work day!? snork.
wow thats pretty cool... in fairness ireland is pretty liberal about them aswell. The gardai (cops) here are more interested in it than anything else as most of them haven't ever seen them before!
as you can see from the lack of discussion on this thread there is an INCREDIBLY small number of MB's in ireland.

Max i would say there are 100 out of or 4 million population!
Which is pretty crazy...

I hope they might take off as an idea here, one because I could hopefully import some and sell them on but also they're such a great means of transport foor my age bracket (college kids)..
When i'm riding it and take off the bottom of exhaust to make it louder i definately get more looks than a porche or ferrari !!
Colly, have you thought of using some already mass produced and imported engine? The import fees are crazy huge. Just a thought. I tried to set up a woman in Dublin and the cost was insane. You could buy a leaf blower engine, rag joint and thumb throttle for half what importing a china girl will cost ya The mount can be made with flat stock and a drill press.

I love talking to cops here. They mostly smile and say whats it do 10 15 MPH When I tell em 30 or 35 they look shocked. Do rite and don't ride silly, no one will bother a MBer. I prolly should not say that but before the laws changed here, I never had a problem. But I like cops and always wave or smile. Every one who ever arrested me was good folk. Long and funny stories so I digress. Did I mention I am of Irish decent? That my parents were married but not to each other? That our family coat of arms says one generation was made the Garlick version of dukes and the next did so bad the king of Irland took it away? lol, think that was why Granpa took the boat. He hated it and got put on another for the South pacific. Every generation in my family does well and the next, not so much. I was born to the "not so much" But is fun.
hi my name is sam, i'm 19 from dublin ireland and have just started getting in to the mb scene. i have just ordered myself a 2009 Schwinn Classic AL Cruiser, and a 69.7cc Starfire GenI GT4. it should all arrive on wednesday.


Hey can you tell me where you ordered them?
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Expect more time than the "2 - 6 hours" the manual says it will take to put your bike together. Part of the joy is getting it all to work. Expect some gotchas along the way. Also don't make your maiden voyage too long! Something is bound to break or rattle off. so give yourself some short trips to work out the bugs. Good luck! and remember to have lots of black tie wraps!