Hello from Gainesville, Florida


Active Member
My name is Barron, 41 years old, owner/builder of "Barron Custom Fence". Been in Gainesville about six years. Grew up in the Florida Keys, Key Largo to be exact. Graduated highschool in 1984, joined the U.S. Navy as a Rescue Swimmer and Aviation Anti-Submarine Operator. Served six years. Work full-time at Publix Supermarket (stocking 3rd shift). Job offers excellent benefits and retirement. Thats about it in-a-nutshell!!
glad to have you with us barron. kinda intresting when i first started looking at these bicycles i thought it was a kids thing and it seems the average age of people makeing them and enjoying them is 40 years old and up. i think our motorized bicycles are like a peice of the fountain of youth
Welcome glad your with us.
I see you build custom fences.
Man I could use you here.I need a fence to keep my flying monkeys in check
little booger alway causing trouble.rotfl
Good fences make good neighbors... that is my total knowledge of fences... Welcome aboard. So do you have a bike yet. I ask that because this seems to be a new thing for most of us.
I suppose I should look a that kind of thing more closely. Mine got he is even a moderator lol...