Hello from Canada!


New Member
Hello from just north of the Canada/USA border in St. Catharines Ontario, Canada.

I'm a compulsive tinkerer from way back, a little over 40 years or so. I used to occupy myself with much larger engines ie 4cyl and up hot rods and motorcycles and started building/rebuilding at about 13. Since retiring, for the most part, and moving/losing my workshop, I now focus on these smaller engines which to my enjoyment are no less fun I found!

I've built a few 2 stroke and 4 stroke bikes for friends and myself and then built a 3000 Watt Wheel Hub electric but given Canada has not come even close to installing decent charging infrastructure that e-bike just kinda sits collecting dust after I lost interest in the about 5% of the project needed to complete the build lol.

Going to be starting a new Bobber 4 Stroke gas build for myself here shortly and will be sure to post pics/details along the way. Will be based on a Nirve Chopper, Galaxie, or Fastback style frame (haven't finalized my decision yet) in as close of a quality knock-off as I can find as IMHO despite being nice bikes, the Nirve line is seriously overpriced, especially here in Canada!


Dillinger, Everything here in Canada is over priced. It's $75 dollars in the U.S. and $135 here in Canada for the same thing from the same store.

Welcome from Crescent Beach. B.C. Two blocks from the ocean and twenty minutes from the U.S. border. Former Ontario resident but I made the break in 1979.
