Hello fom the Great Northwoods of WI


New Member
Hi Folks,
I'm here because I need help :) But so far I haven't had to post because I'm getting good ideas/answers from other posts. So hopefully she'll finally fire up tonight!! It would be nice to ride it back & forth to work instead of using my Jeep ;)
I bought the "Black Stallion" 80 cc kit. Not too much trouble so far, a few snafoo's but ya live & learn. Because of this forum I got my clutch set up correctly.
Anyway its good to know there's help out there if I need it. If I get this thing going, and it seems reliable, I'll buy another engine for my other bike.

Mercer, WI
Thanks Buddy!! It does look like a very informative and helpful forum. Like I said I got my answers without even having to post :)
Glad you joined us. This is a great group. The AH -64 has to be the most awesome heli ever built...................
Welcome, glad you joined us here. This is THE place for Motorized Bicycle information. With that comes a warning. "You won't be happy with just one" If you're like most of us you'll finish the first one and enjoy it but you'll be thinking about what to build next. Have fun and ride safe.
Are you an Apache driver? When and where?
Thanks Tom! Yep, looks like a great site with very helpful info, for sure! Yep, I'm already thinking about another motor for my other mountain bike. But I want to get this one all set up and working well first. The same thing happened when I got into RC Planes & Helis. I now have a lot of those (and recently divorced). I wonder if that had anything to do with it :)
I just ordered a nice comfy seat, and lights for it today.
Unfortunately I fly RC heli's only, but allways wanted to learn how to fly the full scale ones. I did actually fly a plane once (introductory lesson). I just think the Apache is the coolest helicopter out there, although I do have other favorites as well.

Along with the bikes you'll notice there are quite a few R/C guys here too. There must be a common thread between flying R/C and motorized bicycles. Maybe it's an attraction to small engines :)
Let us know when you start your project and by all means ask if you have questions.
Very interesting! Everything is installed, I just need to "tie up" the cables/wires neatly. It won't fire though. But thanks to this forum, I got my clutch adjusted correctly, and also thanks to this forum, I think I know why she might not be firing. So hopefully tonight, I'll get her going (if it isn't pouring rain).
Thanks Again! Great Forum, and seems like a great bunch of people too! R/C forums are generally that way too! :)