head torque spec

I just ran my new hina Girl for the 2nd time and deciced I should check the head nuts. They were very slack,.but I have no way of knowing what the spec is, so went to 25 ft lbs. holding my breath. Anyone know what the correct spec is ?
Yep, I get them really snug ride 15 miles then snug them 3 more times dont over tighten just enough so its good and tight. After you snug them a few times they wont back out again. Also tighten them in a X pattern.

I dont think torque spec really matters these are really cheap motors and the head nut will back out anyways on a fresh kit. Just keep going over the bolts(all of them) every 15-20 miles.
120 to 140 INCH pounds. At 25 foot pounds you're lucky you didn't twist something and break it. You're way over tight.

Set the torque then go through a couple of heat/cool cycles then CHECK the torque again. Don't try to get a turn on the wrench but see if the fasteners are still at your original torque setting. If they are, leave them alone. If loose go no tighter than the 120 to 140 inch pounds recommended.

And YES, torque values ARE important. Overtightening of fasteners on these kits account for more problems that any other factor.
Overtightening, breaking then blaming the manufacturer is often the case when proper use of an inch pound torque wrench would eliminate most of these issues.

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