head gasket questions

Drain fuel tank. Remove petcock and remove metal screen fuel filter. Reinstall and use an inline fuel filter that is visible and easy to replace if it clogs.

Put fresh fuel in engine with 32:1 mixture. You don't need 24:1, particularly if you are having problems. Its possible your fuel isn't fresh.

Second thing to do is remove carb, remove float bowl and jet things out there. Check main jet for tightness. I just installed a Raw engine kit on a bike and the main jet was finger tight. Check main jet to ensure it isn't plugged.

Check float bowl and adjust properly so it shuts off when fuel level is high in float bowl. You may have to bend the tabs to get it right.
i have new gas in, but i'll try changing it. (gas flows well, no clogging)

just rebuild the carb a few times, jet is clean and tight.

not sure how that could be connected, but i could bend the tabs down a bit more, maybe this would make less foaming somehow if they're less gas?

going to try securing engine better, cold and wet today though
um, if ur just using gasket sealer with no thing in between then yes.

im not one to talk because though because i cant even get mine to run.