head gasket questions

Just get it running the best you can so it will idle hallfway decent and spray some carb. cleaner/wd40,ect.ect....Little squirts all over, not much cause you won`t be able to know where it`s leaking....Good luck,
i did just that, it will stay running very high rpms but dies as soon as it goes below aprox 4000 rpms. sprayed parts of it one at a time but i didn't notice any difference whatsoever in the rpms... very strange. it must be something else...
well i replaced the carb with the one that was working before and it seems to RUN well, but not get much gas, it looks like the reason it runs longer at high rpms is because it builds up suction to get the gas though. yes this sounds like a blocked or dirty carb, but i've gone over it many times and everything flows well in the carb.

could this have to do with the needle's positioning? i've never changed it. but it is colder out, or maybe it moved on its own? what should i move it to?.kick2
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tried it, no change. it will start after sitting for a while, but once its run a little it will die as soon as it starts to go below the high rpms. then wont start again. i had this problem with a chainsaw and ended up throwing it out.
good compression, when i let go of the clutch to start it my tire slides, even on pavement.

i still have the head gasket i made on it, it did improve compression because it made the cylinder shorter.

it is possible to get an air leak though the throttle cable?
tried it, didn't change anything. so continued to spray other parts of it, but when it did die it didn't sputter and stall, it just died, like there was a timer on the kill switch.
Re reading your posts, it sounds like the slide is stuck, runs real fast and runs out of gas. I know that's not much help. Have you physicaly inspected the slide to make sure it going all the way down? Some people can't even get their bikes to run @ 4000 rpm.
yup, good flow. i unscrewed the little plug at the bottom of the float bowl and turned the gas on and off.

the throttle slide? its moving just fine, i can rev it for about 10 seconds and then it dies. or i can get it running with the throttle wide open and try to ease down to an idle but after it goes past a point it dies. it doesn't even sputter, just dies.

thanks for the help!
its worth a try, the plug was pretty dark.

i just worked up a sweat making a fool out of my self riding around at night trying to start it. best configuration = choke full on and full throttle. it would hit on about one out of four strokes, as long as u kept pedaling or had some slope.

b4 i did that i started it with the choke off and it ran for five seconds at full throttle and died abruptly.

i sprayed everything down with engine degreaser and hosed it off so i could see any new oil spots after i had run it for a while, but there aren't any.

one of my front motor mount screws broke a while ago so the motor as only been held on by the rear clamp, seems to be holding up just fine, but it my be connected somehow.

sure miss the days when this thing ran.
I read somewhere that it is possable because of motor vibration it can cause foaming of the fuel to the point where the motor won't run right. Try to secure the front of the motor to see if it helps. Just a long shot in the dark...POPS
0__0 thats a great idea!!
only it did run for a while after that happened, but maybe my more recent adjustments messed it up!

i'll try it in the morning, thanks