Harpz, Dublin, Ireland


New Member
Hi Guys,
Im looking to build a motorbicycle for a summer project. I enjoy uban cycling and am sure that i wont get the same speeds i do on my racer but I think it wil be alot of fun. Unsure of the legality in Ireland but think you need a license. Anyway see you guys round.
Welcome to the forum. Lots of motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. Lots of friendly folks too.........................
ireland wow! welcome to the forum. no the motorized bicycles are not for speed however they have something else about them. the satisfaction of building and cruising around on them and not costing much at all in gasoline. i drive mine back and forth to work and it only takes a few more minutes then when i take my truck and i see things i never see while in the car. its a much more enjoyable ride. glad to have you with us