Happy Time Motorized Bicycle?

Re: Happy Time?

Frankly I think considering the average age of the people here me included it should be the geezer if not the china girl.
Re: Happy Time?

not sure what you are asking but they are made in china and they built the 49cc for speed and get up and go and the 70 cc was built to haul and tow things where power was needed.
Re: Happy Time?

my grandson points at my motorized bicycle and screams "papa's zoom zoom"
Re: Happy Time?

As far as the "happy time" thing goes, i like the pun that seemed to come from the current price drop that occurred as the "Chinese" imports came inrotfl.

However, i prefer china engine... Because it's totally incorrect due to the fact that half of the "made in china" products we get are actually made in other, more poverty stricken Asian nations...:-{

I just LOVE the price I pay for slave labor products.:ride2:
Re: Happy Time?

not sure what you are asking but they are made in china and they built the 49cc for speed and get up and go and the 70 cc was built to haul and tow things where power was needed.
What i'm asking is are these engines Chinese in their own right(thought of and originating in China) or are they copies of another countrys engine...perhaps Polish or Russian.
Re: Happy Time?

yes i beleive russia makes one also. i have seen ebay ads for a russian bicycle motor
Re: Happy Time?

Yes there is a Russian engine. On the bygone Motokruisers we had a member get ahold of one and as a result of him asking questions we had a group of racers from Estonia sign up on our board. With a little bit of modification the little Russian motors will scream. I've tried to find some of their race footage but I'm afraid that it is lost to me with the site...Kelly
Re: Happy Time?

I'll only add that this Chinese made bicycle motor is a very basic, piston ported two stroke engine which could have been copied from anywhere or anyone.

Heck, if you could cast the parts, anyone could make one as crude as these.

They are VLT (very low tech) engines, most model airplane engines are of a much more advanced design.
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Re: Happy Time?

who is this "other guy" anyway. why dont we like him? Is it king motorsports? (not king sprockets) They ripped me off. china girls rule!
Re: Happy Time?

I really dislike the term "Happy Time" But am not sure if it is the name or it's origin. ChinaGirl just seems so much more correct to me. A much more affectionate term and more descriptive of how I view or feel about them. Is crazy but in my wee lil brain it almost seems more respectful to reefer to the functional work of art with a term of endearment rather then a selfish desire to feel "happy" (although the latter is true as well) My definition of "art" is any thing that moves me emotionally. From conception, to build to ride, these crazy things do.
Re: Happy Time?

Was this a Fruedian slip? "to reefer to the functional work of art" that I read in your post?
Reefer? LOL...snork I think I remember reefering a few things in my life too; especially back in the 70s. :)
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Re: Happy Time?

Was this a Fruedian slip? "to reefer to the functional work of art" that I read in your post?
Reefer? LOL...snork I think I remember reefering a few things in my life too; especially back in the 70s. :)


the 'happy-time' reference, was coined by someone of whom i am familiar with, that owns a motored bike. it also has created a few hurt feelers, by a select few that (overreacting) see the term as derogatory towards a certain ethnic class *picture The Great Wall and cherry blossoms....*

i like it. i stole it. it's mine.
Re: Happy Time?

Was this a Fruedian slip? "to reefer to the functional work of art" that I read in your post?
Reefer? LOL...snork I think I remember reefering a few things in my life too; especially back in the 70s. :)

rotfl, 2funny Tom. I spell checked twice too!

I swear I stopped "referring" in the early '80s