happy july 4 th


New Member
To all motorbicycling members have a great July 4th with family and friends and be safe and i will talk to you soon. I'am going to see my sis and her husband and show them my bike and between all 3 of us we will have this bike dialed in. take care. Frank
Happy July 4th to you too Frank...and all member's


We are going to have a great 4th of July. My oldest grandson should be here tommorrow and will be with us for a couple of weeks. I have lots of family and friends coming over to the house for a burgers and hotdogs at lunch time. Homemade ice cream for dessert. And then some bluegrassers are supposed to be here so we'll be making some music. I'm even going to try to play the "fiddle" instead of the "violin". I hope everyone has a great holiday.....................
My wife is working a double on the 4th, so there won't be much celebrating here (not that we would likely do anything anyway). But double shift + holiday pay + holiday tips = good nuff for me :)