guys we need to do something before this gets out of hand.

This is kinda why I started I was hoping members would tell us what kit they got, how they liked it and the service and sell of the dealer. (?)

What I find a pain, is for exsample someone has a carb question. You know it has been answered before so you want to send a link for that thread, do a search for carb's. Well thier is like thirty post for carbs, it takes forever to go threw all those threads just to find the one that has the answer the member is looking for. 90% of the time I just give up and don't answer the ?

It's also the same reason I started How many members asking how to fix a broke stud?? You do a search, and thier is just maybe one or two post about it under a thread like tires or something. Who's going to look under a thread called tires to find out how to fix a broke stud? I was hoping memebers would share the way of fixing stud's and bolt's but.......(?)

Oh well, whatever. This still is the best motorized bicycle forum on the planet (^)

I agree....welcome to the internet my friend!
Now can you imagine being told by some moderator (not this forum) to go search for it. The guy is brand new and has no idea what he is looking for. He has about as much chance finding his answer as I do of passing the astronaut exam.

I hope I never see this forum get so jaded that we just don't want to be bothered with the new people. Let's try to think like them now and then. Also let's try to look for inventive ways to give everyone the best answer we can. Thats why I thought one place to answer that kind of first questions. When the questions get more detailed they aren't quite so boring to us lol.

I have said my piece I'm going to go read or something.
The whole reason I am on this forum is to help people and not do what they do at the "other place".

I spend more time helping than I do building fer' cryin' out loud, but I do it.
I was talking about the other forum. I know you guys here are always helping people. I even said it wasn't on this forum. As the number of times you answer the same question grows it is only human nature for the answers to get shorter (not rude just more concise.) A lot of times I am tempted to just pass them bye.

Anyway sorry if you felt that comment was directed to you. I certainly wasn't. it was a comment about what none of us from the old place want to see happen here.
It's true no one can say which kit is best, what we can say is what our own experience with the company we bought from. Maybe like the Better Business Bureau in reverse. For example XYZ bicycles did everything they said, bike arrived on-time, undamaged. I give them 4 stars out of 5. 5 stars reserved for above and beyond standard service. Same thing applies to engines and parts. Maybe develop a checklist or form to fill out. If enough people respond, good companies and bad companies will emerge. THERE IS POWER IN NUMBERS and if we speak as one companies will listen. Let me get off this soapbox before you guys start throwing tomatoes (c) Walter F.
The only thing wrong with that idea is I DIDN'T THINK OF IT. somebody needs to pick up on this and move on
I believe I started something like it in find a dealer...maybe I need to get a mod to change the name of the thread to find a dealer&Review???
We should do something to promote it somehow then cause I completely missed it. Probably because I'm not looking for a bike or kit. Sometimes threads do get lost and valuable information gets overlooked.
I would also ask that people leave only reviews there too, not general chit chat. That way when one goes to read it, there is the vendor list and then reviews only....maybe prune that thread down to those two items?
We should do something to promote it somehow then cause I completely missed it. Probably because I'm not looking for a bike or kit. Sometimes threads do get lost and valuable information gets overlooked.

That was my fault deacon. I should have been more specific with the name of the thread...
Maybe just a whole section for common stuff - we have the classic posts section, maybe it could renamed and organized a bit. Really if you have a section that's clearly labeled as the first place you should look for info, then maybe it would get used. I'd say don't allow users to make new threads, but allow them to reply to existing threads, just to keep it from getting gunked up. Mods could put threads in there if there's something that would belong.

Could have an organization something like this:

Common info/whatever to name it (main category)
Dealer info and reviews
Info for before you buy anything (like what bikes to use, etc.)
Common troubleshooting
whatever else...

and all the threads would be in those subcategories.

anyway, just an idea.
One thing I do agree with is there really needs to be a structured organization with the first time visitor in mind. It's hard to find things now for the new people.

I have no idea how to do it but it would be a lot easier if there was someway to guide them. A lot of people do negotiate the forum and find information before they build, but I'm sure there are a lot who started the build thinking they wouldn't need any help. When they find that they do it's hard for them to find the information.

I would rather see them ask than try to guess, but I wouldn't have minded looking it up if there were some easy way to find things.