What's happening all ? I'm fairly new to the motorized bike scene with about 1000 miles on a GEBE R/S 35 set up.I bought a Schwinn cimmaron on amazon for $199.00 which has worked out real well so far,although I had to replace the rear wheel due to strength issues.Most stock rear wheels will not hold up to a "rack-mount" kit like a gebe or staton.I use the bike about 20 miles per day whether commuting or just tooling around.Cruising speed about 25-28mph,I weigh 180lbs.The r/s 35 is a very quiet engine,suprisingly quiet.It is by all accounts one of the best we have to choose from.I would like more power but do not want to mix fuel.The next choice for me would probably be the MITZU ml43 I think it's called.Another issue with the r/s is the tank size,it could definitely use an aux. tank,I'll probably use a tear drop style H.T. tank if I can find one.If I build a more powerful bike I will no doubt go with the rp460 engine (4+hp) and a staton chain drive set-up.I understand this set up can approach 50+mph with loads of torque.Anyway,thats my story so far.Looks like a cool site...........Bill P