I have an 80cc motor running well for the first 45 miles. I am still in the break in period, and while out riding, the engine just died. I discovered that my spark plug boot disconnected from the spark plug and while trying to reconnect it, I broke the little metal U part, so the boot would not stay on the plug. After pedaling home and visiting my local scooter store, I purchased another boot. The weekend had past and today, after attaching everything, it would not start. I am getting a great spark, but cannot get the engine to start. I though it may be flooded since I left the fuel line cut-off switch open over the weekend. I removed the carburetor and excess fuel. After reattaching, still does not want to start. I removed the kill switch completely, still no start. I am at a loss. 2 strokes are not supposed to be hard to work on, but I am baffled at this one. I know I am getting a great spark because I have removed the plug and from the cylinder and while cranking the pedals with the clutch engaged, it sparks nice and bright. Any thoughts?