Got Winter?

Us Florida boys are not taking our shorts off...and it will be our pleasure our duty to remind you yanks how nice and warm it is down here...and with that I will say ..its 2:00 , about time to get some sleep...mmmmm..thermostat says 80 ....might turn the ac on..........stay warm up there bros

Hey Turtle & Salty,
Wow ... 80 degrees ... sounds like Florida is full of hot air! ;)

Grinning in the snow,
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Hey Turtle & Salty,
Wow ... 80 degrees ... sounds like Florida is full of hot air! ;)

Grinning in the snow,
LOL.....Mike you'll be pleased to know it actually got a bit nippy this morning.....was about 42 degrees and I wore jeans for the first time in I don't know how it DOES get cold down here just hardly ever.....

anyone actually riding in the cold lately? ive been getting like -6C w/ windchill in my area, still riding, gotta get to work somehow. at least this winter i wont be pedaling.
It's safe to assume that unless I make a thread about how I blew up the Schwinn - I'm still riding ;)

It's messed up... I've ridden in torrential downpours, gale force winds, freezing cold and summer scorchers... yet the first time it snowed a coupla inches everyone at work was all "OMG you came in today on yer bike??!?"

I shoulda jus' stayed home and played init :p
Again with the "ZOMG you came in today?" o_O

ofc! Heck, I was passing cars on the way in;

Coffee stop

Drip... drip... drip...
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High Baerly; The bikes looking great!! Here is what I'm riddin for winter-my old 35cc-use new 48 for summer- I taped my gas lines for protection everywhere except for where it's touching the throttle cable housing and that's exactly where it ate right trough my return line. Since these pics. were taken, I repaced both lines and added two shut off needle valves.


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Nice Blakenstein - gotta love a setup like that for weight o'er the tire & traction lol, I was power sliding alla way up that lil hill behind the plow truck...

no - I never did bother w/studding my tires :p
Thanks Barely; I don't use studds either, however,I sure would like to try making metal cleats like they used to put on snow mo. tracks in the old days- thease days, cleats for snow mo. tracks are rubber and outrageously hudge. For winter ridding,tires is everything:):)cvlt1
Yea Mike,cleats is only a pipe dream for me. If u have a lot of experience,and u know what ur doin ,ya don,t really need them -but they sure are nice to dream about. Last winter I was bout a block away from home-right hand on the throttle and my left hand holding a large capacino and it was all black ice. Well I drifted all right.....into the ground...there was capacino all over me,all over the bike,and all over the ground it was actually funny-I just stood there and laughed for a while.
Then close to spring, I came over this mound of snow and there was a light layer of snow on the ground-when I hit that ,I just torqued right out and what ya know...under that light layer of snow was black ice-well, I sure went drift'n again......smucked right into the ground..this time it hurt a little and I was not laughing..duh.laffcvlt1