got hassled by the cops!!

Like I said, follow your particular laws to the letter, then they can't touch you. :)

You should wear a helmet anyways, crushed foam looks better than grey matter any day :D
I asked my sos what is required and a horn, tail light, brake light, head light and a mirror are whats required.

also you need to have a brake on both wheels. so once my tail lights come in all I gotta do is get a mirror and I'm good
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before I called in I sent in an email, I got a responce today so this could give anybody a more exsact list of what is required.

Mopeds and motorcycles are registered differently under Michigan law. Some retailers may sell what appears to be a moped but is actually a motorcycle. Michigan law (Section 257.32b) defines a moped as a unit that meets all of the following:
The engine does not exceed 50 cc s piston displacement,
The engine is rated at 2.0 horsepower or less,
The power drive system does not require the operator to shift gears, and
The top speed is 30 miles per hour or less on a level surface.

Equipment: The Michigan Vehicle Code requires all mopeds to have:

A headlight mounted 24 inches to 54 inches from ground height (required by Section 257.685) powerful enough to illuminate objects at least 100 feet ahead (required by Section 257.702).
Brakes on both wheels as required by Section 257.705(1)(b).
A horn audible from at least 200 feet away as required by Section 257.706.
A tail light as required in Section 257.686.
A brake light as required in Sections 257.697 and 697b.
A muffler as provided in Section 257.707 (not required for electric powered mopeds).
A rear view mirror as required in Section 257.708.
A permanently mounted seat as required in Section 257.658 (1).
Handlebars no higher than 15 from the lowest point of the seat to the highest point of the hand grips (Section 257.661a).
Moped Certification
I just back from the sos office and they sent me home with paperwork, saying I must get a vehicle inspection and for some reason they also have me paperwork for titling an assembled vehicle despite the fact the mopeds are not required to be titles on the state of Michigan and none of the forums I have say moped anywhere on them so I am unsure if I have any or the correct papers and such.

I feel something is wrong here, can somebody who has gone through this give me more information about the process for them?
Man, it's got to be tough living in the lower part of Michigan! Where I'm at, there are no such rules for these things like that. When I asked about them at the local DMV, all they did was laugh and say, "What?...a little motor on a bicycle??'ve got to be kidding! don't need nothing for that!"

I guess it pays to live where Moses left his shoes!

I just back from the sos office and they sent me home with paperwork, saying I must get a vehicle inspection and for some reason they also have me paperwork for titling an assembled vehicle despite the fact the mopeds are not required to be titles on the state of Michigan and none of the forums I have say moped anywhere on them so I am unsure if I have any or the correct papers and such.

I feel something is wrong here, can somebody who has gone through this give me more information about the process for them?

Suppose you'd better find out the laws for & acquire the proper paperwork to title your lawnmower and weedwacker, too...
btw I did find out that two people did get killed on one this summer in my aria, its not too surprising since I see someone on one almost everywhere I go these days. It would seem I have stared a trend.

I am pretty sure I'm the only one registered though.
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There seems to be confusion of what is a Motorbike/Scooter/Motorcycle and what is a low speed electric bicycle/electric assist bicycle.

The LSEB is a Bicycle with an added motor of not more or less than 750 watts or power. In all other features, it must meet the Bicycle laws including operation. Most states allow the Public Federal Law to stand while a couple have passed their own either stricter or more liberal than the Fed law. Top speed of this vehicle can be no more or less than 20mph. The only restrictions are that of the bicycle. Until they pass laws that require a Bicycle to have anything other than it does, the Low Speed Electric Bicycle is a Bicycle. No license, registration or insurance required and no Operators License.

The more powerful cousin (I am talking for only Colorado now), the Motorbike/Scooter But not Motorcycle, has a top speed of 30 mph and not more than 50CC, must be registered, must had insurance and requires the operator to have at least a operators license (C/R). The vehicle is also required to have turn signals, stop signal, headlight (can see an object clearly at 200 feet), tail light (can bee seen clearly at 500 feet) brake (at least one) and safely construction of vehicle.

Just putting a Gas Motor engine on a bicycle makes it no longer a Bicycle in MOST states. I think there are a couple that if you wanted to power your bike with a Nuclear Reactor, the state wouldn't care. But MOST states say that if you do put that gas motor or an electric motor of more than 750W of power, you are no longer a Bicycle and fall under the 50cc rules where you (as a minimum) are required to have a Passenger Operators License. MOST states also have equipment requirements as well. Yes, you can upgrade your bicycle to those standards and I suggest you do. At that point, you go from an illegal vehicle to a legal one.

Or, you can continue to operate your "Vehicle" and play the vehicle lottery. Some win, some lose. Around here, we see the Gas Powered Bicycles on the road for a few days and then they are gone. A few months later, I'll see another one for a few days then it's gone. The same for the sit down electric scooters. Both vehicles really don't have a classification in the State of Colorado so the cops do enforce the laws. Wait until you see a sit down skateboard scooter ripping down the road at almost 20mph in heavy traffic. Vegas should lay odds on that one.

So, no, no one can tell us what to do but they can enforce the laws. We can operate inside the laws or not but I have worked too long on getting the Cops to stop hassling the LSEB riders for someone else to come along and try and screw things up and actually expect me to feel sorry for them. Not going to happen. I follow the law, my vehicle follows the law and the Cops know it.

I don't get hassled either because I paid the price already for freedom.
As a fellow Michigan resident, I am herby obliged to help you out...

Michigan Moped Laws and Regulations

thats straight from the sos office. If has to comply with those statutes and then you can register it. It's 15 dollars for 3 years, they give you a sticker, and you put it on the back of your bike in a clearly visible location.
Man, it's got to be tough living in the lower part of Michigan! Where I'm at, there are no such rules for these things like that. When I asked about them at the local DMV, all they did was laugh and say, "What?...a little motor on a bicycle??'ve got to be kidding! don't need nothing for that!"

I guess it pays to live where Moses left his shoes!


I live in detroit, no issues here, although I can tell you after reading this thread completely where he went wrong. He told them it was a bike he put a motor on. Never volunteer information.

1 - Go to SOS, tell them you need the registration form for a moped.
2 - Get form, fill out form, put bike manufacturer down as vehicle manufacturer
3 - put 49cc for engine size
4 - turn in form with 15 dollars, collect sticker, and roll on!
You just used the common sense approach. Know the Regs on your vehicle, comply with them and you can't be ticketed for operation in a legal manner. I can easily take a bicycle, put an engine on it of 50CC or less add the required lighting and, presto chango, I have a legal vehicle under the 50/49CC laws.