Got cyl/jug ported pretty good for my Dax Lower


Well-Known Member
pics dont do it justice and the pics make the ports look much rougher than they are for some reason but anyway, here is what I have done to the jug I'll be using on my improved (balanced?) Dax lower.

tried to really open everything up to flow much better without changing the port timing, it may be changed very slightly just do to the very minimal amount of material that was removed while polishing the exhaust port but I tried to stay off the top and bottom edge of the ports and focus mainly on the sides where I did remove a small amount of material.

did lots of work in the transfer ports, cleaned all burs and reshaped them a bit.

I'm not a pro at porting these cyl/jugs thats for sure, but I think what I did will add a good bit of extra flow for the fuel/air mix, I plan to remove some material from the deck so that I can run two base gaskets to raise ports a bit and see if it will help my top end any.

let me know what you think and any experienced suggestions welcome.

Peace, Map




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What was the outcome Map of running two base gaskets?


Im only running one base gasket on this engine and it runs like a scalded ape.......

Before the new expansion pipe which has actually hurt my top end verses the high flowing straight pipe I was running I was turning over 9000 rpm and 45+mph, the new exhaust I made up is more restrictive and has cut my top speed down about 5-6mph but my low and midrange power has increased, not sure if that is completely due to the pipe or not because I installed new pipe and the RT carb at the same time and I know the carb has made a good difference also.

In the pics the transfer ports looks rough an ugly but they really aren't, aluminum is just discoloered.

I did some more work on them after those pocs but they sure turned out good allowing that engine to flow nice.

Thanks for all the good comments and hope the pics will help soemone else make there engine run better also.

Roger I'm very interested in your port work and looking ford to hearing how the motor runs .I've never seen anyone do this to the transfers before.