Good People

stilldoc and 'zonie...the ferrite filter will work :)
the extra speedo wire wraps around it
I think it cost 5$ at radio shack
the wires running to your kill switch are causing the interference
I used one for 8000+ miles and now it is on one of azvinnies bikes
(I don't need it with the 4cycle :))
I just got back from a little spin and I got my speedo workin..I guess I will look in to getting one of those if you say its worth it..Thanks Stilldoc & BILL :)

This was the first time I actually used the speedo and I got her up to 25 and wasnt even at WOT.
I tested her out on the main hill that goes to my house and with a little peddal I was going 19 up hill. Im SO stoked shes finally runnin and sounds good To

I couldnt have dont it Without Fairracing31 who helped me out.Thanks again fair.
I bought my kit and ape hangers from spooky tooth and the stock throttle cable worked just fine. I bought the cranbrook from walmart for 95 bucks.

If you end up getting those apehangers you are most likely going to need shims..
I had a chance a few weeks ago to buy a cranbrook for 25% off becouse it had been outside chained to a bunch of other bikes over the summer and had a dented chain gard....It came to around 65 bucks....Should have bought it when I had the chance,but didnt becouse I didnt decide on the engine's yet....I bet its still there,but it is 50 miles from my house and I dont go to ft worth much....Oh well,I will have to get my local wal-mart to order one for me....
Thats a bummer..Buying bikes from may be cheaper than buying them in stores. If you buy one online they will ship it to your local walmart and It will be waiting for you to pick up.

50 miles is pretty far and gas aint cheap these should ride your moondogg there and ride one handed back while stearing the cranbrook with the other. Thats what I would do :)