36v 500watt electric Moon Dog grocery getter


New Member
AKA the electric dog :)

This is the kit I got from Duane at on a Moon Dog. The more I ride it the more I like it ! ! ! Thanks again Duane ! ! !


No golden pothos were harmed in the taking of this picture ! :)
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The 3 how's:

How fast?
How far?
How much?

What kind of batteries you have in that basket in the back?
Good cammo. I like that. I will build my hybrid, that is.. If I ever get any time.. I may order up more if I can figure out the Tariffing codes for it. Enjoy the ride..
The 3 how's:

How fast?
How far?
How much?

What kind of batteries you have in that basket in the back?

We taped a gps to it and got it up to 24 MPH. That was peddling real fast ! The Moon Dog was geared out !

The longest trip I have taken on it was about 10 miles. It was still going strong. I recharge it right away after using it so I am not sure how far it will go. I think it depends alot on how much peddling I do.

I was at the right place at the right time ( reading this forum ) and got a real good deal from Duane ! He posted a sale he was having !

SLA. I am saving up for the new ones ! :) The SLA batteries weigh about 28 lbs. The new ones are about 11 lbs but they cost about $370.
