Giant 3-speed Suede w/ Jackshaft Nightmare

The "High Tech" vice was a little time consuming to operate, a little hydraulic jack would fix that.
It was kind of funny, I was looking for heavy things to hold the flange in place in the garage and well, there was something heavy ;-}
Dude....that is one sanitary ride.
It's all there but nothing jumps out at you-nice job.
Thanks donut.
Things like my ignition wiring and shrink-tube covering of the connections works wonders.
I also found that posting pictures of my work tends to make me look at every detail my and if something doesn't look tight enough I go out and fix it, which I just did again yesterday.

I figured out why my speedo kept reseting.
I ran the sensor wire up from the fork and tied it to the group going to the sight side, That group has the kill button wire, hence the CDI wire.
Inductance caused the spark pulse to bleed onto the speedo wire.

I just ran the wire up with the other bundle and tucked everything in some more.



Then I finished cleaning and painting that rusty old tool box of my sons and put it on.



I don't know if I should just stick a fork in it and call it done, or go ahead and pull the exhaust off and port it.
I suppose I should, it would help that little 48cc.
Very nice.

If it was my bike.....I'd possibly switch out the wheels to something with black hubs, spokes and rims and do the same with the stem and handlebars.

That's just me though, I really the monochrome look.

The way you have it set up now is still very,very cool.

gay nice bike but im grummpy i wanna ride my bike and its in piecies grrrrrrr sorrey!!!!!!!!
Hehehe, that's OK furament, it is not a look everyone likes and actually not the bike I ordered, it's the 2009 men's version, but I absolutely love it now that it is broken in and I replaced the chain with heavy duty 410 Z chain.
BUmmer about your bike being in pieces.

I even love that 'gay' low top bar.
Besides making it easir to get on and off of, especially when I have something big on the back rack, with the gas tank at that angle I get great fuel pressure to the carb and every last drop comes out.

One thing for sure, like the look or not, it sure is unique ;-}
Very nice.
If it was my bike.....I'd possibly switch out the wheels to something with black hubs, spokes and rims and do the same with the stem and handlebars.
That's just me though, I really like the monochrome look.
The way you have it set up now is still very,very cool.
Thanks George.
Part of reason I coughed up $500 for just the bike was the wheels.
The hubs, rims, even the Kenda tires, they all make a huge difference when you put a shifter on.
it might not and it's totally up to you... but I back off the throttle a bit to less than engagement RPM before shifting and "ease" the RPM back to engagement to prevent/reduce the "slamming" effect of speedshifting, it's not as slow as it sounds..
Shifters are indeed a new way to ride Barley.
After snapping the standard Z chain power shifting with just it's stock 48cc I put HD 410 on, but I don't show off as much.
As you mentioned just a little back off to shift and smooth re-engagement makes for a nice ride.

Downshift of course is whole different story.
I live in the desert so I don't have to deal with many hills, so it is just leisurely downshift coasting at idle when I know I need to. Just the idle speed changes the gears smooth.

A different way to ride, and I love it.
Now that I have break-in over I have to seriously fix that darn flakey bike speedometer.
I want to reset the trip meter, fill her up, and see how far that 2.5L will take me.
Considering how I ride and the 48cc motor, I am not thinking if I can make 100 miles, I am thinking how far past that I can go before the last drop is gone ;-}
no it is a nich bike ant my comment aws not to the shape of the bike re rather the content of the thread it said jack shaft nightmare and well yours was bad like cookie monster im better now and again sorey
Thanks guys ;-}
I do wear a helmet when I venture out in traffic, I'm no dummy, but that was a controlled situation residential video and I wanted to show off my studly handsome appearance in it ;-}

Yes, I did name this thread the Jackshaft nightmare, and it was, but it wasn't the Jackshafts fault, it was the bikes forward cranks and top tube.
To the JS's credit the right side shaft was long enough to just move the gear out.

I can hardly wait to build my next one with the new SickBikes one piece mount plate.
I like the look of the tool box on the back
I missed that in my last reply. Thanks.
That tool box has quite a history actually.
My dad gave it to me when I was a teen with some tools in it so I wouldn't use his.
I kept it all these years and gave it my son with new tools when he became a teen.
I won't go into it, but he left it open out in the weather for months.

In short all the tools and box were rusted.
(Yes, it does rain here!)

But it is the exact perfect size for that back rack so I restored it.
Funny the feelings I had when doing that particular simple project about both my dad and my son at the same time.
I learned it is possible to shed the same tear with both admiration and disappointment at the same time.

Anyway, thanks, the box is back in service and I like it too ;-}