GasBike Snow Bike Conversion Kit

It needs a shift kit. It's actually meant for normal bicycles, you would modify it just like any bicycle wheel except for the fact that it has no spokes. So a jacksaft is needed for sure
in the 50s, we used to drill holes in a tire and put sharpened bolts thru for racing on the lake when it froze
Umm, just say no. Adding a few inches in length to the narrow tread of a bike will not help near as much with traction as width. If you want to play on the ice without a fat tire bike, pick a sacrificial rear rim, an aggressive MTB tire, some flange head sheet metal screws, and a jumbo roll of gorilla tape. Oh and heavy duty tubes.

Bulk up the inside surface of the tire with two layers of Gorilla Tape. Don't use cheap ducktape, buy the good stuff. Run the screws through the tread from the inside, and cover the heads with a few more layers of tape. Install as normal, mindful of spikes. I recommend a lower pressure, so the tire squats a bit. TaDa!

Oh and gasbike sucks saggy green troll nuts

All just "opinion" as I would never be so foolish as to race anything on the ice and or snow, or even hot-rod at all... Says the Kaveman who treats his throttle like an on off switch...
when i was a kid about 50yrs ago, we had a cottage on a lake. i rode my mini bike with my ice skates on all over the lake. it was low to the ground and with your skates on you couldn't flip. took a while to get goin but it topped out about 30. had a 2 3/4 clinton 4stroke on it. no suspension and i don't recall it having any brakes either...
Also about 55 years ago, we used to do go-karts on the ice. Talk about a blast, learned to drive on ice that way, never spin a tire. It was a factory twin Mac. engine kart, with slicks. Get it up to about 20 mph you had all the traction you wanted, but getting there was the trick. Learned to keep it there, get it to full speed then crank the steering wheel. Al the broddys, and spinning around, was a blast. Now there is a group of guys doing again, but now snow would have to be plowed LOL..........Curt
another ol fart like me
those were the day's
mini bikes, go carts, bb guns, .22's, firecrackers, wooden tops, cap guns, home made sling shots etc etc.....

You got it, just turned 75 in Oct. All that and never hurt anyone but our self, and that not very often. The guy that started up the go-kart again is older than me...............Curt
I kind of remember some years ago a kit to turn a motorcycle kit into a snow mobile, you bolted the back to a rear assembly wit a fat belt, and it has a Ski for a front wheel.

That would be for snow, not ice, but then again about the only ice I ever see is in little cubes ;-}
So you don't know what its like to walk out on hard water and see fish swimming under it, missing all the fun..............Curt
motorized bike ice racing video
must really hurt when you crash....

On that glare ice it is just "PLUNK" and slide, and slide, and slide!

We use #8 x 1/4" hardened hex head sheet metal screws into the tread blocks.
This one is on a KTM and has sipes cut into the treadblocks for wet rocks and logs. The tread is actually backward because it came off my Husaberg (right drive) onto the KTM (left drive).

The limited number of screws on this tire are just to provide a bit of traction and grip on wet ice in winter trail riding.

If you want to run the lakes, throw more screws into it!