gas premix kit.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
my gas tank is mounted at a funky angle. I have to wait almost till it is empty to get a quart of premix in it. I like to mix it fresh so I have always mixed a quart at a time. I can usually mix a second quart and put 12 oz in a bottle to carry in my basket for emergencies. Which seem to happen often because I forget to check the tank. No gauge you know....

So I have been thinking I need to mix it in smaller amounts so that I can add gas before it goes empty. Then I thought if I do build the smaller bikes for sale I want to include a premix kit. The weed eater takes the same mixture as the china girl so....

I am looking at a 16oz mix kit. Now a couple of interesting things come to mind. Clear 16oz bottles with a wide opening are harder to find than I thought. I'm sure now that I have started to look I can find something like a juice jar with a wide opening.

Then there was the oil measuring device. I did a little research half an oz is also one table spoon. There are plenty of those little plastic kitchen measuring spoon sets. So when I find the right jar, I can attach a measuring spoon to it and have a premix kit. I want one now for my own bike.

I bet those spoons are available in the drug store for kids meds as well.
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Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I have a 2-1/2 gallon gas can that I use to pre-mix 2-gallons at a time... (I like to leave a little room in the can to shake it up!)
I use one of my kids 10oz apple juce bottles to measure the oil...
Everyday before I ride, I just top-off the tank.
(oil settles to the bottom, so I always shake it first.)
I keep a 2-1/2 oz bottle of two stroke oil under the bike seat just incase I run out of gas, I can pedal to a gas station, pour in the oil & fill it up!
(I live in LA, so there's a gas station every mile.) :ride2:
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minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I don't go very far it would take me a year to use two gallons of gas. I have been warned over and over that gas goes bad when premixed too long. I just got in the habit of mixing it a quart at a time. It really isn't much trouble. A quart of gas will last me two weeks at least. Unless I really get wild and crazy...

I carry 12 oz of premix for when I run out of gas and I have twice already.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Just be careful carrying around gasoline in any kind of plastic bottle. Shaking can cause static and then boom.