Funky Trunk


The next little town over was having it's annual community wide garage sale . I went and picked up a retro vacuum cleaner . I put in a new filter and gave it a test drive . It worked well and came with all of the attachments . I couldn't keep my hands off of it though and it was soon in pieces . I traced the shape on a piece of 3/8" plywood and cut it out on the scroll saw . I used the original assembly holes to bolt the top to the plywood base . It was an easy matter to clamp it to the factory rear rack on my Schwinn Cruiser . I will probably replace the lid with a lawnmower moon hubcap but for now it has a watertight seal . I want to turn the rear exhaust in to a tail light . I call it a "funky trunk" because it smells like someone cleaned up after a frat party with it . ....... D.J.




DAMN!!! That looks good!(^) It looks like it was meant to be there. AWESOME ideal. Great job(^)
Just looking at it from the rear, a red light in that exhaust exit would look cool at night. Or inlet, what ever that little grill in the back is.
You could easily mistake that trunk for another motor. Very cool looking indeed.
I think that a vintage outboard motor cover would also work great . If it has a built in tank you could use it as a main tank or a reserve . ... D.J.

