The next little town over was having it's annual community wide garage sale . I went and picked up a retro vacuum cleaner . I put in a new filter and gave it a test drive . It worked well and came with all of the attachments . I couldn't keep my hands off of it though and it was soon in pieces . I traced the shape on a piece of 3/8" plywood and cut it out on the scroll saw . I used the original assembly holes to bolt the top to the plywood base . It was an easy matter to clamp it to the factory rear rack on my Schwinn Cruiser . I will probably replace the lid with a lawnmower moon hubcap but for now it has a watertight seal . I want to turn the rear exhaust in to a tail light . I call it a "funky trunk" because it smells like someone cleaned up after a frat party with it . ....... D.J.