hi ! 5-7heaven
Thanks for very good info especially for the Diamemerts info etc.
i have a trusty ebay.co.uk seller, the Minimoto imports linked above. Currently im waiting to hear if he has used or new reduction gearbox.
in Fi minimoto parts are basically non-existing and top of all super prizy. in UK just the 3shoe clutch home delivered is 8 times cheaper than in Fi.
The bicycle sprocket (12,6mm Pitch) that i have at my rear rim as for 2T engine Transmission is Diameter 175mm.
its exactly this1, German made nickel Chromed super lightweight and durable:
Moped 415 type Chain/pitch 12,6mm front Sprockets that i can go see/finger touch my self at neighbour town moped-bicycle shop (90km away) are this:
if i get lucky the slots are same dimensions as in Minimoto reduction gearbox output driveshaft, if not then i need to modify...
Currently my gearing with the basic ClutchBell is too long and heavy and i feel that im burning the 3shoe std clutch if i keep going. i have std 47cc engine exept a 19mm Dellorto phbg19xx China Copy Carb and Tuning exhaust, too much power for the heavy gearing currently..feel so..
my trusty ebay seller "miniature imports" juts replyed back that he will go and look his 2nd hand used parts pile for Reduction boxes, as he has the Slim look box and a bulky looking1.
Any1 have any photo with Dimensions for the Different shape Boxes ? Only Rough meaure that i have is the total lenght being summink like 180~200mm as Shoe Drum is ~80mm diam.
im wondering how much is the Off-Set at the Box, how far out does it come and std Chain alignment on it comopered to some Solid point on the engine or Box casing.
in my home village (population under 3300) im the 2nd only person to have this engine, no1 here to goto see and measure..