Front Disc Brake Rubbing


New Member
Has anyone else had this issue? I picked up the custom built front wheel with disc brake for my chopper. I can't get around the disc slightly rubbing the left fork. Since its built onto the hub there is no chance for adding spacers. Works fine but I'm wondering what long term issues I might have if any.
The only thing I don't wanna do is grind down my fork...I don't even have the tools for that anyway plus I not too long ago added custom decals to each fork. Any ideas?


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Add a washer to axle on the inside of the fork leg. ;)

I forgot to mention that I grinded down the caliper mount for more bolt threads for the nut to fasten down even more. With that thick caliper mount I lost alot of threads. Adding a washer or two would defeat that purpose and would set me back to where I was before I did the grinding. Still with a rubbing disc brake.
Add a washer to axle on the inside of the fork leg. ;)
I was going to suggest that too but looking closely it looks like he doesn't have much thread left on the axle. Is a longer axle an option?

As for long term consequences, the rotor is going to wear and the fork could be weakened where the contact between it and the rotor are. That rotor is harder metal than the fork so it will cut into the fork. Fix it before you ride it.

That's what I was looking for..a longer axle for mine...haven't really looked yet was too busy googling this issue for suggestions on fixing it.
It's an idea. I'll keep that in mind but I'll be a last resort because I'm hoping up avoid sanding/grinding/reshaping my forks.
It's an option though.
Man. Don't ride that bike like that. From where you stand I would suggest a mild filing of the fork just where the disk physically touches. Also your going to have to remember to wipe down the disc with alcohol or something like it to remove any traces of oil before your first ride. Squeeling brakes are annoying and reall really bad on a motorbike. I had to physically re grind my disk and pads because the initial break in was a bad job. Break those brakes in right!
Reset, you might be able to have a weld shop notch the fork tube, with the notched piece the weld shop could flip / reverse the piece that was cut out and weld that piece back to the fork tube and then you'd be able to use the disc brake.

The other alternative is call [email protected] or [email protected], and order new forks.

Hope this helps .weld
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ResetBTTN, here's a link to forum member " socal_machinist " thread about his 6-horsepower Schwinn OCC Pedalchopper.

He has a front mounted disc on the stock Schwinn Stingray Chopper front forks, his forks appear to be stock or unaltered front forks, I'm very curious how he managed this mod / disc brake install.

Here's the link below maybe you can post on his thread asking how he was able to mount the front disc brake on the stock front forks:

Let us know if you are able to resolve your Schwinn OCC Pedalchopper front disc brake issue on the stock front forks.

P.S. C'mon chopper builders where's your suggestions for our fellow member " ResetBTTN " lets help him resolve his front disc brake mounting issue!
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Are you using a caliper adaptor from choppersus? If so,put a shorter nut under the adaptor THEN put a washer on the outside of the adaptor.
ResetBTTN, if you are still trying to use the stock front forks on your Schwinn Pedalchopper OCC Stingray motorized bicycle here's a thread also by forum member " Socal_Machinist " he was able to well it appears that he was able to use the stock front forks on his build, see link to his build below:

d-gizzle, I appreciate your suggestion for trying to help ResetBTTN, I've never tried the longer axle myself it's possible that this may work although I have my doubts, since the hub is in very narrow dropouts there's not much room between the fork tube and the hub to fit the rotor without notching the fork tube and then reinforcing the fork tube with a flat bar of steel where it's been notched.

Anyway, I'd like to see other builders solutions to adding the front disc brake to a stock Schwinn OCC Pedalchopper motorized bicycles front fork tube!

P.S. The easiest way to accomplish this would be to order new forks from or, most of these two companys sell front forks for the Schwinn OCC Stingray Chopper & Fat Choppers that accept front disc brake. Let us know how this issue is resolved?
I put a front disc wheel and rotor on a set of 12 inch forks from an 80's kick scooter. Doesn't get much smaller,narrower than that.

Surely this has a solution? Somebody? Anybody?
ResetBTTN, if you are still trying to use the stock front forks on your Schwinn Pedalchopper OCC Stingray motorized bicycle here's a thread also by forum member " Socal_Machinist " he was able to well it appears that he was able to use the stock front forks on his build, see link to his build below:

d-gizzle, I appreciate your suggestion for trying to help ResetBTTN, I've never tried the longer axle myself it's possible that this may work although I have my doubts, since the hub is in very narrow dropouts there's not much room between the fork tube and the hub to fit the rotor without notching the fork tube and then reinforcing the fork tube with a flat bar of steel where it's been notched.

Anyway, I'd like to see other builders solutions to adding the front disc brake to a stock Schwinn OCC Pedalchopper motorized bicycles front fork tube!

P.S. The easiest way to accomplish this would be to order new forks from or, most of these two companys sell front forks for the Schwinn OCC Stingray Chopper & Fat Choppers that accept front disc brake. Let us know how this issue is resolved?

Thanks for the suggestions and I did get it resolved. Unfortunately I had to get a new disc to completely solve it. I rode it while it rubbed and it did groove a notch in the fork but that also cause it to warp. I wasn't able to flatten it back out so I bought a new disc from the local bike shop.
Jim from PedalChopper recommended washers so I went ahead and added those against the axle in front of the universal mount. I added 4 washers and he also suggested using my stock axle from the chopper. The hand built tire I ordered from him has a slighly smaller axle.