Found a leak


New Member

Well... I know the small nut at the bottom has leaked before... At least I think because that top bit is oily too. So don't know if both top and bottom leaking, or just top.

Nonetheless, what could it be? Tighten bolts more? Or that depressor there?
Looks to me like it's your tickler! The depressor.Try cleaning the area then give the tickler a couple of short squirts with an air hose and let it sit still for a while.If it comes back,That's where's it's leaking from.Kip.
[email protected]
Hey,By the way,.Off subject but what brand motor do you have.
Haven't seen a clutch cable stop cast into the case like that? Could you post a bigger pic?
Hope my suggestion helped.Kip.
[email protected]
It's a Grubee StarFire Gen II 48cc 1.4Kw.

Not exactly too sure how I'd squirt some air into the tickler, but have an idea of it... Air gun works right?

Anyways, if i wipe it and it is leaking, it should just leak out on its own right? Or does it need some air pumped in so that it has something to get it to come out?
It's a Grubee StarFire Gen II 48cc 1.4Kw.

Not exactly too sure how I'd squirt some air into the tickler, but have an idea of it... Air gun works right?

Anyways, if i wipe it and it is leaking, it should just leak out on its own right? Or does it need some air pumped in so that it has something to get it to come out?
Air gun would work perfect! Not much just a couple little spurts.
That way would just make it show up where it's leaking better! Good luck! Kip.
[email protected]
Gonna have to find my dad's air gun and tank then... Let alone if he'll be happy with me using it...

Hm... I have an air pump somewhere... Will try that first thing tomorrow and if that doesn't work, I'm bringing in the big guns...
So what do you mean by bad float? Is that the brown cylinder thing inside the carb which raises when you throttle?
If that's the case, then... After I finish riding for the day, should I be unscrewing the idle screw to close it down every night?

I'm assuming the needle valve is where the small needle is inserted into.

With the small screw at the bottom, I think I'll do with what I've done with most other screws to help tighten them a little more and also stop leakages; use that wire plumbing tape thing.
Working great for my fuel pet cock so hopefully I'll get the same results here too.
Thanks for the tip Nougat.

Well, you should see the oil reserve underneath then Venice. ;)

Well, regardless of how bad it is, better safe than sorry right? And I'll learn something out of it too so all good. :)
Well... Opened it up, realised a lot of oil leaked out onto the air filter and down the frame.

Cleaned all that up, removed the bottom reserve, made sure it was all clean, and it was.

I bent the arm thingy metal piece lower so that the float will close up the fuel line earlier, so hopefully this will stop leaks; maybe it was just too high so the float doesn't reach high enough.

Even so, if it's leaking out of the depressor, how is it reaching the air filter? o.O

We'll see how it goes I guess.
Looking at that pic.... That's not a lot of oil! Don't worry about it unless it gets bad. ;)
I'm with Venice,If your tire needed air you wouldn't change the tube would you?No,You'd put some air in and keep an eye on it.
Those ticklers don't have much of a seal around them and fuel could of easily found it's way out of there without anything being wrong inside.
Hopefully you didn't adjust the float level to much.Kip.
[email protected]
Well... Opened it up, realised a lot of oil leaked out onto the air filter and down the frame.

Cleaned all that up, removed the bottom reserve, made sure it was all clean, and it was.

I bent the arm thingy metal piece lower so that the float will close up the fuel line earlier, so hopefully this will stop leaks; maybe it was just too high so the float doesn't reach high enough.

Even so, if it's leaking out of the depressor, how is it reaching the air filter? o.O

We'll see how it goes I guess.
That oil reaching the air filter is also common,It's just the way these little 2 cycles work.
It's unused fuel blowing back into the intake.
Look at it as the motor is lubricating the air filter to ensure that all the dust particles are being traped before they enter the motor!
Don't worry about it unless it's excessive.Kip.
[email protected]
Well, it depends on what you would define as excessive. LOL

It's like after just raining, the pipes will drip water here and there as they collect, so you'll find a small collection at the bottom of the air filter, with a drop hanging just waiting to fall, and all along the frame is a large thick line of oil.

Anyways, I've cleaned it up either way; just hope it all works well now. Only briefly tested it, will get a more thorough test tomorrow night, a good ~60km ride.

Bike indicators arriving in about 2 weeks my guess... Sucks...

Now to just figure out how I can quieten the engine and exhaust...