Forum Rules?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
I'm sitting here wondering if you have the right forum. The other bike forum under the former owner is the one you are describing. You would have been banned for this right off the top and would never have been allowed back under any name.
As a matter of fact it seems they took a lot of pride and joy it seems in doing this on a very regular basis.

I've been a thorn in the moderators nether regions more than once when involved in a few spirited debates. If they felt it was on a track that was going in the wrong direction they most certainly sent me a P.M. and asked me to put the train back on the track and slow it down. I never once felt that I was being put upon or being asked to do anything unreasonable.
Of course I try to follow the rule that the word, Tact, is were you can tell someone to go to H*LL in such a manner that they can't wait to get home and pack to get ready for the trip.

Just never could see where yelling, screaming and threatening made a person come out looking better than the person they were directing the yelling, screaming and threats at. Of course I've been wrong so many times in life that this would just be another one.

It may have been that you or whoever your talking about were one of the few that had a bad experience with a given vendor. The 5 other people who didn't and mentioned it have just as much right to say so as the person complaining.
This is what a forum does. It allows the free exchange of ideas between a group of people with the same interests for the benefit of all and no where did I find where it says that everyone has to agree with everyone else.

Thank you for your kind words for volunteer Fire Fighters. It sound like you are one also. I spent some years in my community doing that my self. It was very rewarding work.



Active Member
May 29, 2012
Not gonna start with you too mang. Just want to know,where are the vendor members when they are being slammed?

I know almost nothing of the "other" forum. And did you know there is another motorbicycle forum?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
most of the dealers stay out of it when that stuff goes on, i ask them to and we are a lot tougher on the dealers then members. when they do get involved it usually gets ugly and turns into a free for all. they are asked to talk to the individuals about the situation in private and not on the public forum. i could be wrong doing it this way however arguments and hostility takes away what i am looking for and wanted this forum to be. i want the forum to be a nice friendly place that people can come talk about their bikes and share and learn no matter if they are building their first bike with no knowledge of motors (that was me on my first one) or they are a master mechanic and have already built 10 motorized bicycles. so many forums new people are afraid to ask questions because of the response they might get. i know their is a few that i just read and don't want to get involved because of the attitudes on the forums. we want everyone to feel comfortable and want them to be involved. i personally love all the different bikes on here. shoot we have people put them togather from scrap pieces and people that are profesional welder that post bikes that make our jaws drop to the floor. i think it is kinda cool anyone can post thier bikes on here and feel comfortable doing it and not feel they have to have this jaw dropping motorized bicycle to share on here. i hope this makes sense and any of you all belong to other forums not just motorized bicycles but any forums a lot of them are pretty rough and know what i am talking about. we have a ton of great members and we all have the same goal and that is to get out and have fun with our motorized bicycles and learn all we can about them. that is what this forum is about and not about selling products


Active Member
May 29, 2012
That makes perfect sense Paul. I believe I will leave the 'vendor posts' be from now on. Can't control my fingers sometimes.