For sale - tricked-out (but aged) motorized bicycle


Howdy folks!

It's been a long time since I've posted here, because it's been a long time since I've used my motorized bike (I tend to burn through hobbies intensely but briefly). I haven't fired this thing up in a couple of years now, and finally I've decided to put her up for sale on CraigsList today.

She's fairly tricked-out with tuned exhaust, a shifter/NuVinci transmission, and a pile of other mods, and she was truly my baby back when I used to ride her as a daily commuter. The CraigsList posting is here: I'm asking $400, including the pile of tools and parts that I accumulated in the process of building and modifying. Sadly, she's been sitting in a garage since early 2011, so there is some surface rust on the chains, etc, and some labor implied with getting her going again.

I live in San Antonio, TX now - so if any of you guys in this area are interested, please don't hesitate to send me a post or a PM, and I'd be happy to chat with you.

Have a fantastic day!


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i wonder what shipping to NY would be i wouldnt mind paying a little extra if you could ship it all to me
I appreciate the interest from all you guys who live so far away (haha, ironic)! Especially since nobody in the local Texas area here seems to be in the market...

Littletinman and JonnyR (and whoever else might be interested), I'd be willing to ship this thing to you, but the shipping would be pretty expensive! I just did a Google search to see what it costs to ship a normal bicycle, and I suspect that shipping for this thing would be in the vicinity of $250.

If you're really interested, send me a PM and we'll talk more. And thanks again for the interest! Have a good one.