Florida law - registration required!!!

I am new to this site and was searching for the laws of electric/gas bikes in Florida and was redirected here {http://motorbicycling.com/f17/final-word-florida-motorbicycling-laws-registration-30589.html} which seemed to the point. Then I found this from another site dated this month


The reason why i came here is unfortunately I got a DUI with a BAC of 0.05 on the night before my birthday, and although my license was not suspended, my insurance did want to immediately increase the rates, as I totaled my car falling asleep for about 2 seconds after a 12 hr shift and no sleep in 4 nights. So I canceled my DI and got an ID instead (sorry about the rant, it just been a rough year, busted my ass for engineering school -civil water resources for seemingly nothing). I wouldn't mind an electric bike if it go 25 mph ( i know that's above the threshold speed law) for a distance of at least 30 miles and not cost more than 1200, though I rather just playing it cool with an gas bike and lay low from the street powers. I am not a fan of these new laws, it is like the government wants to hold everyone down nowadays.
Just an FYI....
You DO know, you can still get a DUI on a bicycle?
While riding a bicycle, you are the DRIVER of a VEHICLE... and although you don't need a license to ride a bicycle, the DUI ticket is still applicable.
So if you have a habit of drinking and "driving", I would suggest not doing it even on a bicycle, whether or not it's electric, gas, legal or not.

I'm confused... You didn't have your license suspended, and you didn't renew it because of insurance rates? Doesn't make sense. You don't need to own a car or if you do, it doesn't have to be registered or insured, for you just to have a license. I think we are missing some info...

According to the statutes (and this is NOT in contention) an electric bicycle is only allowed a maximum speed capable of 20mph. Any faster than that, you would need a DL.
Thank you for your reply,
I wrote a post last night but I guess it didn't go through. My license is fine for the moment but I don't have a car to drive right now. I am under my mom's insurance policy and would have to continue coverage if I had a license (tried everything else, such as writing a letter stating I would not drive any other vehicles under the policy to no avail). So now I just have an ID and no longer paying for insurance. I am challenging the charge since I was under the limit and will have to see if the state suspends my license. I do realize that I didn't make the best choice by drinking while completely exhausted and should have went home earlier. I learned two lessons, not to have even one drink if I might drive anytime later that day and don't drive tired (I had about 5 hours of sleep total over 4 nights and involuntary nodded off for a couple of seconds and crashed).
I know of someone that received a DUI while on a bike so I know not to do that but thanks for the heads up.
Anyways, I'm glad I found this site since I'm trying to get around faster and easier w/o a car. I was going to go with a gas motor before reading this thread since they are cheaper than electric kits/bikes and getting gas is more convenient than charging a battery if I need to go long distances. But I also like electrics since they are quiet compared to gas. Any feedback on whether a ready-made e-bike is the way to go or if it is better and cheaper to get a bike and a electric kit (i like the ones at e-bikekit.com, but they are lead acid but I guess I could get a lithium battery). I have a mountain bike but don't really want to modify it, so which bikes have worked?
I'm going to court tomorrow to contest the ticket I received last May the 29th ......$104.00.....I've printed out almost 1000 pages of the controversial laws pertaining to Florida Bicycle Laws ....someone here said it's no longer a "grey"area .....actually .....it's every color under the rainbow ....Florida is a VERY up state .....bottom line is .....it's a bike .....pretty simple really .....I suggest we all read Thomas Paine's " Common Sense " ....whereas it in no way or form pertains to the Florida Bicycle Laws .......it's common sense .....but apparently .....the Florida Legislature has taken it upon themselves to dictate what we can or can not ride ......we may as well still be under British Law.....gee....I thought we gained independence more than 200 years ago ....but.....gee.... I guess not .....taxation without representation .......I'll be a martyr if I have to ......go ahead and censor me .....it's balls to the wall folks .....I am an educated person who will look for the most simple solution .....and that's going to be my argument ....why waste time on some trivialalities ....as I spoke of before .....it's a ' BICYCLE ! .....GOSH !

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Hey Salty.. Good luck, my friend.. "Give 'em heck"! (LOL the profanity filter filtered out the word that is the opposite of heaven.)
Can you tell us what the ticket is for?
Inquiring minds would like to know.
Hey Salty.. Good luck, my friend.. "Give 'em heck"! (LOL the profanity filter filtered out the word that is the opposite of heaven.)
Can you tell us what the ticket is for?
Inquiring minds would like to know.

non Registration of a motorized vehicle .........the cop was very gracious however.....loved the bike ....but it was his " duty" ........ up huh ? ...

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Would love to know EVERY specific detail of that court decision when all is said and done.
Hope it turns out well for you, my brotha.

What's the good word? (Hopefully)

You went to court yesterday and what happened?
Inquiring minds want to know...
Actually you can be issued a DUI for operating anything that moves it seems. I have seen in the news about DUI's for: a horse, golf cart, bike, riding lawn mowers etc. On and on.


What's the good word? (Hopefully)

You went to court yesterday and what happened?
Inquiring minds want to know...

Bad news folks ....the judge actually laughed at me ....I kid you not .... ....despite all the documentation I presented .....she goes " Mr. Anderson .....these laws are in place for a reason " ....to which I replied ... ' So we tax payers can pay your salary Your Honor ? " Her face went beat red .... ....I almost got popped for contempt ....all in all it cost me $104.00 for the actual ticket ....along with an additional $65.00 for court costs ....sigh....the government can do ANYTHING they want ......as long as they get to go golfing if they don't want to go to work .....

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Actually you can be issued a DUI for operating anything that moves it seems. I have seen in the news about DUI's for: a horse, golf cart, bike, riding lawn mowers etc. On and on.


A few years back a good friend of mine got busted for DUI on his motorized wheelchair ......and no I'm not kidding ...

Bad news folks ....the judge actually laughed at me ....I kid you not .... ....despite all the documentation I presented .....she goes " Mr. Anderson .....these laws are in place for a reason " ....to which I replied ... ' So we tax payers can pay your salary Your Honor ? " Her face went beat red .... ....I almost got popped for contempt ....all in all it cost me $104.00 for the actual ticket ....along with an additional $65.00 for court costs ....sigh....the government can do ANYTHING they want ......as long as they get to go golfing if they don't want to go to work .....


What did she actually say?!?!? (besides, "these laws are in place for a reason"). What laws? What did you use as a defense and what did she disagree with. More specifics please.
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non Registration of a motorized vehicle .........the cop was very gracious however.....loved the bike ....but it was his " duty" ........ up huh ? ...


Bad news folks ....the judge actually laughed at me ....I kid you not .... ....despite all the documentation I presented .....she goes " Mr. Anderson .....these laws are in place for a reason " ....to which I replied ... ' So we tax payers can pay your salary Your Honor ? " Her face went beat red .... ....I almost got popped for contempt ....all in all it cost me $104.00 for the actual ticket ....along with an additional $65.00 for court costs ....sigh....the government can do ANYTHING they want ......as long as they get to go golfing if they don't want to go to work .....


I am confused.....did you ask here where to get it registered?
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You only have to have a license for under 50cc, and if 50cc or over than you need a license and registration/plates. So if you have a 48cc or 49cc you don't need registration, isn't this correct cause thats what i found online.
You only have to have a license for under 50cc, and if 50cc or over than you need a license and registration/plates. So if you have a 48cc or 49cc you don't need registration, isn't this correct cause thats what i found online.

You are a bit behind the times, my friend..
Every time this subject has actually gone to a judge and been heard, it has not gone well for the defendant.

I received this response to an email I sent the executive director of the FL DMV..

Executive Director Julie Jones has asked me to respond to your email dated*
June 2, 2011, regarding bicycle license requirements.*

Bicycles are not manufactured for use on highways. *Adding a gas powered motor does not make a bicycle street legal, as there are other requirements that must be met, such as frame assembly and safety features. *Bicycles are not titled or registered.*

Division of Driver Licenses

See where I'm going with this?

I'm wondering what the judge actually said to Salty.
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I am new to this site and was searching for the laws of electric/gas bikes in Florida and was redirected here {http://motorbicycling.com/f17/final-word-florida-motorbicycling-laws-registration-30589.html} which seemed to the point. Then I found this from another site dated this month


The reason why i came here is unfortunately I got a DUI with a BAC of 0.05 on the night before my birthday, and although my license was not suspended, my insurance did want to immediately increase the rates, as I totaled my car falling asleep for about 2 seconds after a 12 hr shift and no sleep in 4 nights. So I canceled my DI and got an ID instead (sorry about the rant, it just been a rough year, busted my ass for engineering school -civil water resources for seemingly nothing). I wouldn't mind an electric bike if it go 25 mph ( i know that's above the threshold speed law) for a distance of at least 30 miles and not cost more than 1200, though I rather just playing it cool with an gas bike and lay low from the street powers. I am not a fan of these new laws, it is like the government wants to hold everyone down nowadays.

Josh, words cannot describe how fortunate you are that you didn't seriously injure or kill yourself or someone else. In Idaho, if an impaired (impaired includes sleep deprivation as well as using over the counter meds) driver kills someone they can actually be charged for murder at most and gross neglegent homocide to manslaughter at the least. Don't ever do that again. Unfortunately that DUI is going to stick for quite a while. Now you already have a negative record so why would you want to risk adding more charges against you by riding a motorized bike illegally? Is it really worth it considering the disruption to your livelihood more tickets and even an arrest can cause? If you choose to get an e-bike ride a legal one that won't go over the max speed allowed by law. If you need a DL or need to register a gas bike or feel the need to 'ride cool and lay low' then I'm going to discourage that. It's bad form to try to flout the laws.

There are many grey areas in the law that can be interpreted in many different ways but there are also many of us in the MAB community that believe others who are caght flouting the law on MABs can cause enough bias to actually influence a court to rule against MABs in a precedent setting case. That can hurt all riders in Florida and bring unwanted attention as well. There are certain cases in other states that illustrate this point and even a thread here regarding a recent one in Oregon.

You are not going to do yourself any favors by making more poor choices. Please drive safely and legally.
SALTY GATOR: When you were given the citation, were you riding in a bike lane or on the road itself? A suggestion, next time your in court don't make any smart a$$ed remarks. LOL Judges don't seem to have a sense of humor. They get that in judge school I think!

We all have to Be cautious of things like this...


Have any statures for you of the state your in and pake a few copies.. Keep it in a insurance Id card holder under the seat and be able to produce it be it gas or Electric at any point. If this guy had a updated version of the states vehicular law... then he wouldnt have been facing 2500$ USD in fines.