First gas bike


New Member
Hello My name is Ray And I am still working on my first build. I had it up and running for a few days, And Then realised I needed some up-grade parts. so I took it out of service, and am waiting on my new parts.
The name Brvnkaerv is pronounced Brunkeroo. like Kangaroo. That is a smart bomb tail-section I once made a machine for.
Hi Ray, Welcome to, we are glad you joined us.

What kinda bike do you have and what up-grades are you getting?
Yes Thank you. I bought a china made Schwinn del-mar From wal mart. Then added an 80cc kit from Bike Berry. Now I am waiting for my H.D. wheel from spooky tooth. I have already added an upgrade cns carb from spooky tooth, double kick stand, and a higher quality 415 chain from a bike shop. this week I will order a set of spring forks and an expantion exaust. I have one of those BELL bike computers already installed. WILL POST PICKS WHEN I AM BACK ON THE ROAD. Brvnkaerv
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Welcome to the forum. Souds as if you've already been through the hoops of fire necessary to get one of these things running and well on your way to wanting a second one. Post some photos of your build. We all like to see what others are riding.
Ride careful, have fun.