FIrst build done...probably kinda

well i rebuilt my biek the way I should have done it the first time. The stuff for my headlight is coming in this week. but here it is.


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Looks very good. How about some close ups of your engine mounts? They look interesting and very solid. Good work. Thanks for sharing.

How do you like the pirate bicycle engine kit? Should I get one too? The lback motor looks sharp. Im also looking at the Grubee skyhawk motor or the kit?
Haaaahahhaa.. You think you're done.. NEVER..

Great build. Looks very very well done. But, you will never be done. You're going to flip those handlebars over a few times, maybe get some apehangers. Might get a banana seat, might paint something here, change something there.

The good thing about this hobby, is it's NEVER done. And you can tinker here and there, on the cheap. You don't have to spend 400$$$ on a single part, like I have to do on my motorcycle or Vespa.

Again, great looking build. Have fun with it and be safe!!!
well thank you everyone. It has already changed some lol. The materials for my headlight will be here supposedly today. So ill post some more pics this weekend. Unforunitly school keeps me very busy.
I don't know if it was your intention but it kinda resembles a speed way bike, Very cool!
Great looking build!! Like the others have already said, you will never be really done with it. Just don`t work that way.
Looks very good. How about some close ups of your engine mounts? They look interesting and very solid. Good work. Thanks for sharing.


Here are some crappy phone pictures of the mounts. I broke the lens on my camera today so these will have to do until i get it fixed. and thanks for the complimentes.


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How do you like the pirate bicycle engine kit? Should I get one too? The lback motor looks sharp. Im also looking at the Grubee skyhawk motor or the kit?

This is actually The Flying Horse kit from bikeberry. Although alot of parts have come from Pirate Cycles.
How's that Puch head working for you?

The Puch head was working great, but of course I changed something and now I have a bogging issus lol. Ill get it sorted out soon enough. Its winter time anyway.

Also I got my light mounted and ready. Baiclly I took A 1400 lumen cree led and took a whole saw to the back of a harbor freight 6" fog light and epoxied it in the back. The reason I did this was so it wouldnt interrupt the original beam throw of the light. I drilled some holes in the houseing and mounted it via rubber isolated cable straps. I then mounted that cheesy faux leather handle bar bag and stuck the battery in there. THere is a little hole in the bottem that the cables go through. Very descrete. The Yellow tint should be here tomorrow. so ill post more pictures after that.


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Well Its been a long time, but I finally pulled this thing out of storage and decided to give it a rebuild. Its not quite done yet, the mockup stage is about done. Im starting to actually put it together for the hopefullly final time lol
I went with a 79cc predator, it has been touched a little nothing to crazy but it has a billet flywheel, governer removed, 19mm carb, intake manifold and header. Milled and ported head with 18lb valve springs. I decided to use Grubees belt drive setup for it. seems like a nice piece of kit.


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Third rebuild. Somehow they are never finished. There is always something that could be just a little better than it is.

Mostly power, I had a 49cc 4 stroke clone on it and it was ok just not enough power. only cruise at about 28-30. I wanted to be able to go faster. its been several years since this has run. but I think now its going to be everything I actually wanted. Parts are trickling in, just gotta get everything together and perfected.