FireBelly Flyer!

If your talking about Rhett he was actually a friend of mine the e-bike had absolutely nothing to do with his death, he had a low bloody sugar count and passed out while riding he hit his head on the pavement and never came out of the coma, he was brain dead.
The e-bike was not a hi powered bike it was 1000watt store bought of very high quality in the vicinity of 3k for the bike.

Well, there was a thread maybe on another forum, where a guy decided to go the electric bike route, but a high speed one (and not an experienced rider).
Unfortunately, he ended up in some form of accident and subsequentially died...
It is a worry I personally have with people who want to do high speeds on a "vehicle" not meant for such speed, vibration, etc.

I think you might be talking about a friend of mine Rhett, if so the power of his ebike had absolutely nothing to do with his accident and death, Rhett bike was high quality (over 3 thousand dollars IIRC) store bough bike, it was a 1000watt which in America equates to about 750watt at the rear wheel EXACTLY the same as your ht motors and within the guidlines of US Federal Law for mass produced e-bikes, which is what Rhetts was. His death wasn't caused by mechanical failure, it was caused by Rhett passing out while riding due to low blood sugar combined with another medical condition Rhett had. He hit his head hard (no helmet) on the concrete pavement, never regained consciouness and was pulled from Life support several months later after zero brain activity was recorded.

RIP Rhett



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Sorry to hear about your friend, I am a Respiratory therapist, the people who run life support. I always wear a helmet because they make you wear one when you race....train like you race.

Once again sorry for your loss.
Good Lookin' Out Guys!

Yes, RIP Rhett.

Looks like I'll have a motor to play w/ in a couple weeks. Don't know too many details (engineer from work is grabbing it when he goes home) but I think he said it was good up to 1400w. We might have scored a controller fo' free too!

Like I said, this'll be an on going project w/ much experimentation. There may be periods of inactivity but I'll be trudging along on it!

Interesting sidenote, I built a bike for a customer and now he's having me check his crystalite motor'd bike; he thinks it might need a rebuild.
