Finally not so lonely!

Ross, the free nail polish its not funny I did two years ago on blue .it's cheap it's quick and it dries fast .I'll tell you what I did before I had a shift kit when I had a tensioner the keep it from moving on the frame I drilled a3 millimeter and put a stainless steel 3 millimeter allen bolt with a high locking nylon nut on and washer on both sides it was just as good as well into the frame and its cheap you drill through the tensioner through the frame through the frame through the back of the tensioner .and crank it down it won't roll into the spokes its a strong as a weld, costs about two bucks. And if you ever need someone to weld aluminum for you just check out your local tool rental yard ,their mechanic can Weld just about anything
Thanks dodge dude94 gunna try that tomorrow and see how she runs, she idles great its when she slows down (and not to a slowing stop) she jerks and bogs.. unless its supposed to do that, but I dont think so?!!?
8mph is I think pretty much standard starting speed for the at that speed or just below it is not going to be elegant operating speed. lol
Any time I do a build and paint a bike I also paint an extra washer or bolt so that I can try to get a pretty close match in finger nail polish as touch up paint. Feels a little weird when I'm shopping through the nail polish... an old long haired guy buying nail polish... hmmm... so if I can I make mention of "It's for me motorbike". Uhuh...

Nail polish also works as the poor man's lock tite.

Yes, the manual China girls do the herky jerky at low speed... pull in the clutch.
Or ya can do like I did in the hobby lobby with my daughter...I turned to her in front of some ladies and asked if she was sure they sold horse saddles in here?
Drilling into a frame is inviting increases the chances it will crack we are already pushing the limits on these bikes which is the main reason most use steal frames for their isn't just cause we are cheapskates (we are but...)

On another side note the oil mix recomendation for breakin usually is the culprit for hard starting or rough running that and an air leak in the intake. You can tell if you have an air leak if the engine doesn't die fast with the choke on full or spray some wd-40 around the intake and listen for changes in engine noise.
Great to hear that its running!!! Great work, I know how much frustration mechanical stuff can be!

Now the two most important things, have fun and stay safe, there are a lot of idiots on the road. Always assume the cars dont see you and never let your mind wander while riding, pay attention at all times!
Huffydavidson, I am not having any problems what so ever of that idler moving!! She is on there really tight and not budging I check it everytime before and after taking her for a ride! Next project I do, the only change I am making is a spring loaded tensioner! She is good! No need to drill anything! Thank god!! DODGE DUDE94; thank you and your right, I did gauge my spark plug and it really helped with the sound of the rougher sound while riding and changed out the plug to an NGK, sounds better but your right once dropped to 8mph or below she bogs, thats where I figured the gotta pedal or pull in the clutch goes! She is perfect, and riding VERY well!! Couldnt be happier!! SILVERBEAR; LMAO.. I could only imagine going in to buy nail polish and people looking at you confused! LOL But it is great stuff! I use it for craft projects, nails, touch up paints, and real turtle shells I collect, great stuff for all sorts of projects! Thank you also, I did figure out the low power of my bike! GEORGE N TEXAS; LOL!! I could only imagine saying something like that in Hobby Lobby!! Thats Hilarious!! No definitely not drilling in my bike! The idler is fine she fits on there tighter than ****, I check that thing and it has not moved even a milimeter!! No reason for it! I will definitely remember your tips on checking the intake with WD-40 that is a great tip!! TOADMUND; I am with you there! No holes in my frame either!! WILD BILL; Thank you! Some parts were a little frustrating, but it was fun to put together! All ready looking for my second build! LOL!! And yes Thank you, there are alot of idiots out there with no respect of motorcycle, motor bikes, scooters or anything in that family! People are always in a hurry to get some where or to CALL or TEXT someone!! Idiots!!! LOL Thanks again guys! I am having so much fun, I think showing her off more than riding her too!! LOL went to my gas station down by my house to get air in my tire, it was off a few lbs, and when I did I had 2 different guys walk up and ask about it, one even said "ok, tell me where I can get one" LOL I said "Well I didnt buy it like this, I built it" the guy looked down at it, looked back at me and said "Bullsh*t, are you kidding" so I went on to tell him that its a kit you buy and put on and hook up and build on your bike. He was amazed! Said he is going to check it out for himself, so I gave him this forums web address and said check this out you will be amazed!!! LOL , god I am having so much fun with this!! LOL :p
Oh yeah, and my new speedometer already broke, the cable seized up and busted the plastic wheel on the tire :( so I am gunna just by me a digital bicycle computer they are easier to install without having to take your whole wheel off and have a lot of options on them to use! Back to shopping on ebay (fine with me tho) LOL!! :)
Ross, the only thing in town I buy is gas . everything else comes up the internet or a bay . I filled the tires with some old hot air I had lingering around in the man/bike cave.
and when I did I had 2 different guys walk up and ask about it, one even said "ok, tell me where I can get one" LOL I said "Well I didnt buy it like this, I built it" the guy looked down at it, looked back at me and said "Bullsh*t, are you kidding" so I went on to tell him that its a kit you buy and put on and hook up and build on your bike. He was amazed! Said he is going to check it out for himself, so I gave him this forums web address
Us guys get that a lot too!
(Just not from the ladies)

In my city of about 70,000, there may be 4 or 5 MABbers, and still most people have never seen these, rubberneckers everywhere I go. Maybe there are 100 of us and 95-96 of them are in need of repair? ;)
Just think... by riding around and having fun you are being a kind of ambassador for motor bicycling and this forum. You're also spreading some cheer in a world that dearly needs it. I don't know about the girls, but as kids we boys liked to pretend our bikes had motors. Playing cards against the spokes helped the illusion or at the least making motor sounds in our throats. Ha! So this is a great way to be a kid again and re capture being 12 years old, speeding along on a bicycle... free at last. Be sure to tell those who ask about the bike the wee bit of gasoline you are using. Good mileage and even better 'smileage'. I will often be riding along and realize I am smiling as I ride. The fool on the hill.

The dog Aaniimoosh likes to ride, too Used to be she rode in a bicycle trailer which is also handy for groceries and such. Now her bike has a bigger motor and she rides in a sidecar I made from a canoe. My fun factor has gone up another notch. And sometimes I feel like an ambassador of goodwill when I ride along and see kids and big people, too, stop what they're doing and break into smiles and waves as we ride by. Made some people happy just by riding along making myself happy. How cool is that?

I find it interesting that many of the members here are also in to motorcycles. To think that often they pass on going for a ride on their "real" motorcycles and choose instead to ride a motor bicycle with pedals and a wee motor. ... yes, that's interesting, don't you think? So spread the good word.

I don't mean to be a drag and sound like your grandfather, but do consider wearing a helmet. Most of us here do. Just walking along and falling so that your head or face smacks into the concrete can do a world of hurt. The situation is much worse if you crash as some speed. We've had members here who have been hit by motorists and ended up in the hospital. It happens. Protect that pretty head, girl. Grandpa will be quiet now. Have fun, but stay safe!
Silverbear (aka Grandpa Geezerman)
Silverbear; Yes most definitely love bragging on how much gas she only uses, especially when guys ask at the gas station looking back at their huge trucks! LOL.. It does give smileage to the mileage!! LOL I used to as a little "Tom Girl" play in the mud, steal my brothers Transformers and cars, I HATED when my mom used to make me go down the street and play barbies with the other girls!! LOL.. Dont get me wrong I love my high heels and costume jewelry, but I love cars and working on things! This is the PERFECT hobby for me!! Finally a place I fit in, and because of all you guys accepting me! A lot of guys dont have the patience for women when learning things they dont know, I know quite a bit but not everything! ... I so have been looking at those carts! I really like the idea of them! That is so AW3SOME that you made one, and out of a canoe even!! How cool is that!! I do think it is cool that a lot of guys own motorcycles too on here and love these as well, I figured that guys with motorcycles in town when seeing me would laugh at me, but almost 100% of them have come over and talked with me asking questions and stating how cool or need it is! That was such an awesome feeling! And I definitely DONT think you are being a drag or anything I so agree with you, on the helmet situation!!!!! I ordered one (had too my head is small and couldnt find any to fit) I can fit in a kids helmet! Lol but didnt want Dora the explorer on it!! LOL.. So I found an x-small one for 20.00 on ebay that is black with flames, which is what I am going to do to my bike.. so it should be here soon I hope!!! Please dont think I thought bad about your suggestion or being grandpa the geezerman!!! Which I laughed at and thought was totally cute!! I agree!! Will post pics of it soon! Also the decals I have my eye on that I am going to order! :) thank you for your post!! It meant a lot!! :) You know now I am going to address you as Grandpa Geezerman instead of Silverbear!! :p... HUFFYDAVIDSON: WOW that is one H*ll of a compliment!!!!! I SAY F-IN AYE!!! LOL!!!! :p thanks!!!! XSELER: I know right when I first joined I thought "oh I will maybe get one or two posts and the rest I am going to have to nudge my way in to get help or guys to help me or talk to me! I was wrong! You all are so nice to help and give great tips and EVERYTHING!! Wonderful forum, best thing I have ever done was to sign up!! Thanks!!!! ..... Also went out today aaaaannnd........ You guessed it looked at bicycles to start a second project!!! LOL I'M HOOKED!!!!!!! :)
" Also went out today aaaaannnd........ You guessed it looked at bicycles to start a second project!!! LOL I'M HOOKED!!!!!!!"

That's what I was talking about right there!
I found a 'Specialized Hardrock' abandoned by the recycle bins,...... but wait a minute, it's a good name, but an old bike.

I don't know if it's going to be a parts doner, or a parts recipient.

I tell you what though, I live a 15 second walk to those blue bins and they have provided me more rims and bike parts that I know what to do with.

(but not enough of the right parts to build another whole bike)

My shed is filling up with rims and tires! If only I can find a rear disc brake rim, then I would fix up that Kranked full suspension bike frame I bought at the scrapyard for 5 bux and sell it as a frankenbike for a few bucks. The goal is to spend no more than 10-15 more dollars to get it built.

Am I rambling on?
D gizzle: ..Yes, I know!! Cant help myself!! Been looking at choppers but I just also cant get past the beach cruiser types either!! Sooo thinking I am gunna do another cruiser and then a chopper.. also have my eye on an old 70's stingray! Love it and dont care what anyone says!! LOL :p
Toadmund; Heck no your not rambling! That is so awesome, I thought about seeing if I could find some place here in town that people drop off old bikes or dumpsters.. the best treasures you find are in the trash, I swear to god!! Thats awesome that you get stuff like that, and can find them! :)
A metal scrapyard is a good place to try your bike part shopping, you pay scrap metal price, and if you have not much stuff, they just let you have it for free.
A got a free front disc brake caliper and a couple spark plug wires 2 weeks ago, last summer I got a rear suspension shock for my dual suspension Raleigh for FREE, and other things for free.

Free is an awesome price, I'll take it!
I'm proud of you, lady. You've done good and reaped the rewards of all the good advice the guys have offered.

It goes without saying that motorized bicycles are addictive and there's no doubt that you'll start your second project bike soon. In the interim, enjoy your first one because even if you build a hundred you'll have fond memories of that first ride.

Oh, and I'm too a believer in helmets. I use DOT approved motorcycle type and the full face helmets will protect you better than the 1/2 or 3/4 helmets.
You might want to check Iron Horse Helmets. They have decent prices and offer quality products.

Keep us posted on your projects and above all, have fun and ride safe.
