I noticed a pretty big difference on the top end as well, probably 5 mpg less now. It goes about 30 on the flat, which is fine with me, that's fast enough. I like the acceleration more than the top end and also live in a pretty hilly area so it's much better on the steeper streets.
That's good to hear, glad you got it sorted out. Yeah, the 49cc 4-strokes aren't gonna compete with the HTs in overall horsepower output, and the Q-matic has a real soft touch on the drivetrain, which makes it a little sluggish off the line. That also makes it pretty nice to your bicycle frame compared to most other drivetrains.
My lil brother bought one of the first Q-matics and I put over 200 miles on it myself. Compared to my 4G, it's really gentle! A 4G hits the drivetrain much harder, especially with a shift kit and sloppy throttle actuation. Of course, that also makes a 4G quite a bit quicker off the line.
As for your current speeds, sounds like you have a bottleneck somewhere. These 49cc engines come with small carb jets, restrictive exhaust, a low(ish) compression ratio, and the valves are often out of adjustment. Adjust your valves first, engine cold, and then figure out whather you need to enlargen the carb jet or not. You prolly will.
I just installed my qmatic and 56t today and I must say I'm sorely disappointed.. With my wet chain drive and 40t I could give it a little shove (no pedaling) to get going and be cruising at 27-28 in no time. The qmatic takes forever to get up to speed (with pedaling) and I barely get over 30 on the flats. Is there a break-in period for the ezm tranny or is this what you are experiencing as well? I must say the clutch engagement is very smooth but that's hardly consolation for losing all low-end power. Hills? Fuhgettaboutit. Please tell me it gets better.
Read what I wrote above, it may be informative. The 56T is the highest recommended gear for the Q-matic. Lower gears (larger rear sprocket) is often what is needed for better take off with em. Larger sprockets don't affect top speed as much on the Q as say, the HT. They aint cheap tho! Or, you could push off the line a little harder and pedal some more hehe. Well, these are sposed to be motor-assisted anyway
If your engine is running top notch, you'll get the best out of your setup. Adjust the valves, run a decent quality multi-viscosity oil, get the right jet for your setup. These engines make max horsepower about 7K, but their redline is ~8K, 9K+ if they are built right and run good oil - these engines don't get enough at high rpm.
Off the line tho, you need to refine your riding style or get more cubic inches lol

49 can only do so much! Legs can be big torque.