felt 1903


New Member
hi y'all,i'm bill 61yrs.old.i had to give up my harley after45yrs.so here i am.i want to build the felt 1903 any suggestions.i read different ideas to sealing the tank,any advise will help thanks bill4648zpt
Welcome to the site, Bill.
I am sorry to hear of your Harley loss, I am a Harley mechanic by trade. I have some insight towards how hard it must have been. :eek:
This place is awesome. Surf around the posts, the knowledge here is incredible.
Good luck with your build! usflg
Hi Bill,

Welcome to the forums.

If you are a bit more specific you will probably get a bigger response. The 1903 is a great bike. However if you haven't built one of these before I would recommend starting with a cheaper steel frame bike and learning the in's and out's on that. You can always transfer the motor to the 1903 when you think you have it figured out. The Felt 1903 is an aluminum frame and it will require custom motor mounts that take this into consideration.

Knowing a bit more about your mechanical ability would help. Have you ever had to fabricate your own parts?
You can mount a fuel tank on a cargo rack until your in-frame tank is ready.
that will allow you to go ahead and work the bugs out of the motor and driveline.
Welcome to the forum! I just checked the Felt site, that's a great looking bike! What a great build that will be. Chips